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An perfect example of getting big and strong and than getting lean

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Quote: Originally Posted by wostok he is a powerlifter right?

so, wonder what lifts he uses? only dead, bench, squat? maybe overheadpresses???... anyone... im not so familiar in powerlifting To my understanding, powerlifters don't perform squats, deads, and bench exclusively. They do train some of the assisting muscles with compounds (like barbell curls for biceps, ect). But my knowledge of powerlifting is extremely limited and I'm also very interested in learning about it. This guy looks absolutely incredible.

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Why don't you guys join the forum and ask him?
Seriously he looks good and always falls back on the theory to do the basics, heavy and hard I think all young lifters should be forced to incline bench, squat and deadlift for 3 years...they'd be astounded with their gains.

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I will ask him to come over here.

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From Dave Gulledge

Quote: Thanks guys. I've gotten away from the gallon of whole milk a day diet that got me to my irresistible 319lb physic. Like Matt said, I went through different phases of dieting. Some being pretty restrictive, others being full of a bunch of clean food. What I did was eat clean but pretty big for most of the time, but every once in a while, do a two week intense diet phase. Here's an example of what one day might look like during a time when I wasn't being super restirictive.

3eggs, 2 egg whites
1.5 cups oats
3 fish oil caps

3scoops protein powder
1tbsp flax oil
1cup cottage cheese

3scoops protein powder
1tbsp flax oil

whole wheat pasta
lean ground turkey

1cup oats
2scoops protein powder

ground turkey

salmon patty sandwich on whole wheat toast
1 chicken breast

3 scoops protein powder
1tbsp flax oil
1cup cottage cheese
3fish oil caps.

this comes to about 4400 kcal. 477grams of protein, 306 grams of carbs, and 140grams of fat. I felt very good eating this way, and haven't yet crapped out a kidney or my liver. During these periods I wouldn't drop fat quickly, but seemed to slowly drop body fat and maintain my muscle while improving in the gym.

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Quote: When I would do a two week diet phase a day might look like this.

4 protein shakes a day consisting of 2-3 scoops of protein powder and 1 tbsp of flax oil. One meal a day I would have a few eggs with turkey and chesse.

On weight training days I’d ditch the flax oil in my post workout shake and just have some phosphogen HP.

This came to between 2000-2300 kcals a day, with about 1 gram of protein per lb of bodyweight. I was damn hungry all the time eating like this. I’d typically do some cardio about 4 times a week during this phase. During these times the fat would come off very quickly and after about a week of this people would start to comment and ask what I was doing. So, nothing realy complicated, just eating clean, watching my carbs and keeping protein high.

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You know he actually doesn't look that fat, but damn he looks fantastic dieted down. Way to go! Much respect.

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What in the hell. That is Dave! I will have to let him know everyone over here is getting a chubby off of him. Dave is a freak and his younger bro is just as freaky. All around great guys and very smart to boot!

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PS: boy my job would be so easy if people werent so adamant to me about "staying lean while gaining 50lbs of muscle mass"......but I also understand modern day society and how it is so important to people to look a certain way (while getting muscularly larger)

I am fighting against modern soceity!!!!! As Large as possible as fast as possible!

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He looks great

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Quote: Originally Posted by babygetoboy PS: boy my job would be so easy if people werent so adamant to me about "staying lean while gaining 50lbs of muscle mass"......but I also understand modern day society and how it is so important to people to look a certain way (while getting muscularly larger)
I am fighting against modern soceity!!!!! As Large as possible as fast as possible!

Bah, I weigh 127 lbs, and I WILL reach 130 lbs ripped. Mark my words, 5-7 lbs of muscle a year is fantastic.

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how tall is he? i'm guessing 6'3'' ish maybe? nice pics for sure!

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Holy Crap! is what came to mind after I hit the link and saw Dave's before and after pictures.

First off, he must have looked damn WIDE in a shirt at 320lbs. No mistaking him on the street, his bod at that weight screams POWER.

Scroll down a bit and you think...Bodybuilder. In the last 2 pix of him with the cell phone he looks ready to walk on stage and annhilate everyone. Notice how small his waist is dieted down? He has a damn good physique for BB.

When you're carb delpeted you look really flat and have zero pump. If you eat for that for a few days (very low or zero starchy carbs) and then carb up (double or triple carb intake) the next day you look fantastic, muscles are full and tight.

We definitely need more inspirational pictures and stories like Dave's. I always feel reading is necessary, but nothing will lock a person's head onto the material like a few pictures. It all helps solidify what DC is talking about.

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He put his time in at the gym and it shows 10 fold. Great pics!

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Here's part of an interview with the man.

CD: What would you suggest to someone on how to getting stronger?

DG: Train heavy and eat a ton. Don't be overly worried about your six pack. Be patient because becoming strong doesn't happen over night. There is no secret. People get strong on many different programs, but the things they have in common is hard work and constant evaluation of progress.

moral is that success= heavy training + time at the dinner table + consistancy + hard work + progress

ie everything that DC preaches

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