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An perfect example of getting big and strong and than getting lean

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This guy personfies the idea of getting big and strong as possible, not trying to stay so lean all the time.

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that is the type of sh%t that amps me up...seeing the metamorphosis of someone is uncover that muscle, and it feels so damn good..

thanks for posting that prolang..

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a)and he is a powerlifter, boy is he missing alot of muscle in places by not hitting muscles from "all angles" (NOT!)

b)next time you overanalyzers start thinking about twisting the pinky finger to get that ever important peak contraction while feeling the pump on dumbell kickbacks please refer to the link prolangtum provided

c)how much shit would he of gotten online if he posted the pics of himself in the breifs on various message boards? vs the final result?

d)Most of the time its peoples diets that are holding them back but the next time you look at your physique and again thinks its "your training" thats the problem, this above link should reaffirm to you, if your getting stronger at a progressive rate continually, then your getting larger and larger

That guy looks awesome.....more power to him and anyone else that has the foresight to know what the final result will look like.

PS: boy my job would be so easy if people werent so adamant to me about "staying lean while gaining 50lbs of muscle mass"......but I also understand modern day society and how it is so important to people to look a certain way (while getting muscularly larger)

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Thats really awesome, and very inspiring indeed. Great work!!
Shows again that (powerlifters) heavy trainers have great fysieks when they diet down, just more proof not to overanalyze and just eat and lift heavy until you got some real good size.
Great post!

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Apparently at the age of 20 he benched 700 in a shirt, and had a 920 squat in a meet. Of course he wasnt this lean when this happened.

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That guy impresses me as much as anyone Ive seen of late. If he was in a bodybuilding genre, at his offseason weight and look he would get so much shit about "being fat and dumpy" it would be ridiculous.......Then he diets down and dwarfs 98% of the online bodybuilding community who thinks they are "awesome"

Talk about putting your money where your mouth is and actually writing checks that your ass can cash!

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That is a great link! That should really shut up the overanalyzers...

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wow thats crazy.

what is the advantage of carbing up? I am not sure if he looks better in the camera phone pictures or not...seems a little more curved, but the quality aint so great. I am also unaware of what happens physically when the body is carb depleted.

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I have no idea maybe prolangtum knows but I would venture to say that the 2 bottom camera phone pics he is carbed up and thats why he is so full there and he is really depleted in the 2 kitchen above ones (hence he is a lil flat there)

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That dude's new name should be Jack Deez. Really a nice result he got.

I feel you on that last comment, DC. It must really make your job a pain in the ass when people expect to see their abs all year. I'm really considering bulking up huge in the near future. Just saying fuck it and eat as much as I can in a day for like two or three months. Then cut down and have a whole new layer of muscle under my thick layer of fat.

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Quote: Originally Posted by Doggcrapp I have no idea maybe prolangtum knows but I would venture to say that the 2 bottom camera phone pics he is carbed up and thats why he is so full there and he is really depleted in the 2 kitchen above ones (hence he is a lil flat there)
this is probably a subjective question, but you agree that he looks a bit flat in the first pics (carb depleted)...i have definitely heard taht low carbs makes you look "flat', but I wasn't convinced that it was always a bad thing. some people don't dig that "bloated" look....i dunno.

btw, that guy's lower back just looks FREEEAKY.

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Rib I dont want anyone to think i say "bulk at all costs" because i dont---I want people to eat more than even those people on who think they are "bulking with no cardio" are but i want a context of "ok with this huge food intake-comes huge water intake and i need to shift carb cuttoffs, do cardio, and fat burning supplements and do everything in my power to keep bodyfat in check. Basically I want someone to trick their body into getting bigger and to become a food proccessing muscle building fat burning machine....and I personally dont think you can do that FAST by sticking near your BMR and doing no cardio...I do think you can do it fast if you eat like a 300lber and keep bodyfat in check like someone who wants to be 10% though. But there is a mindset that holds people back and its that they are so scared of gaining bodyfat (even when they arent--its just their stomach is full of food) and are looking in the mirror so much (and seeing things that really arent there) that they start panicking, go right back to the BMR mode and they take 2 steps forward and 1.5 steps back

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so eating a lot and doing also lots of cardio did i get it right?

( sorry but my bad english )

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what you say makes sense on paper, but I bet a lot of people are actually scared to put it in practice. Especially by themselves with no supervision or constant confirmation that things are going well.

btw, about gaining weight and fear the stomach looking abnormally larger - i think that resonates with a lot of people. It is so aesthetically and culturally unappealing that people tend to avoid it all costs. Very good point.

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Quote: Originally Posted by RkD80 btw, about gaining weight and fear the stomach looking abnormally larger - i think that resonates with a lot of people. It is so aesthetically and culturally unappealing that people tend to avoid it all costs. Very good point. word!

forgot it:

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