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15 y/o. 120lbs. 5'4".

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I am looking for a good workout plan i guess. I will be running atleast 2 miles a day to get in shape for soccer and then sprints but i also need to build upper body strength. I will also need to start eating right. Starting off with free weights how many reps and stuff am i supposed to be doing. I know i sound like a newbie but i am because i dont know what i am supposed to be doing for my age and weight.


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Well you've come to the right place. You'll want to do alot of core movements. Like squating, benching, shoulder presses, chin ups. let us know what your diet is like; or what you think it should be like and we'll tweek it for ya.
You''l be growing in no time. Korean & Proud is also a teenager here; and has had good results since reading and asking questions here.

And use the search button. You can find alot of good older posts that have been buried with great info.

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Or I'd prefer. Mon- Squats/ arms

Wed - Bench / Military Press

Fri- Deadlifts/ pullups

You'll find some things just dont feel right for you; so your gonna have to change things up as you feel needed.

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Thanks alot guys. I will start squats and arms on monday and continue with the 3 day schedule. As for my diet. I will just write down what i eat this next week starting sunday. From my knowledge i would say its a bad diet but i will post my diet next saturday when i have it all.
Thanks again.

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Yeah i try to atleast drink a glass or a bottle of water each meal. Im starting to keep track of what im consuming right now.

I wont be running too too much. Just 2-3miles a day starting in the summer, but before summer comes i want to just work out using that 2-3 day workout plan. Im gonna start squats and arms today.



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Hello.I joined not to long ago. The people here are great, and you can be provided with a lot of great advice. Since i started i've gained 20 pounds since this winter. Listen to them.

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celeriter.... DAT?

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the one and only.

when i find the slip of what i ate i will post it

and i have been doing the whole 3 day workout plan. im squating 90 lbs until i get the form right then i will move up. im benching 90 i think 25's on each side and i think the bar is 40lbs. for military press i do 80 lbs and free weights i do a variety of 10lbs - 20 lbs. not sure what dead lifts were so i just did curls and squats that day.

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Everything is broken up into morning, lunch and dinner.

2 bagels - glass of water
turkey sandwich on rye - 2 glasses of water
2 hotdogs - bottle of water

bagel - glass of bottle
fries, PBJ sandwich,cheese - glass of water
steak, brocolli,potato, brownie - water bottle

bagel - water bottle
2 hotdogs - glass of water
chicken parm, pasta noodles, brocoli, brownie - water bottle

bagel - bottle water
apple, twix - glass of water
turkey/lettuce sub, nutrigrain bar - bottle water

bagel - water, milk
chips, cheese/crackers - water
turkey sandwich - milk

pasta, pita bread,chicken - water
2 slices of pizza - water

bacon/egg breakfast sandwich - milk
2 bottles of water
2 slices pizza, fries, 1 slice of cake, zone bar - 2 bottles water
(i was really hungry)

and i guess its been contuing like this in the sense of not having too many sweets and not drinking soda.

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Hey guys... ive been on here for like ever just used to look at the porn. But ive recently started going to the gym with my friend. Now he's been going for about 5mnths now and this is only my 2nd week. But idk i guess just some tips on some shit. The only problem i have right now is with bench pressing i have long arms so any suggestions.... ill take all the advice i can get

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Your body tends to have two modes that it understands, strength or endurance. The exception to this is if your genetics’ have typed you to be an elite athlete and it allows for both. You will find out if you are an elite athlete very quickly, if you haven’t already.

For those of us who do not have the genetics to support running two – three miles everyday, tend to stick to little to no cardio exercise. We use diet/nutrition, supplementation and increased pace when lifting to cut body fat. Don’t get me wrong, I am not telling you to stop running.

Think about this for a second; the body structure you find on all the top athletes in a given sport:

Long distance runners have small frames and thin lean muscle lines. This has to do with the body’s ability to adapt to the efficacy demands placed on the runner. The more high intensity cardio the more efficient the muscles become. The constant breaking down of the muscle fiber with little to no time to speak of for recovery will actually cause the muscle fibers to shrink.

Professional body builders have large bulky muscles with rippled lines defining every muscle as if it was a chart to a human man’s anatomy. This has to do with tricking the body to become horribly inefficient at surviving without lots of nutrients. The muscles gorge themselves with good food, supplementation and never have a need or want that goes unanswered. If a professional body builder runs up a flight of stairs they tend to get winded. Their muscle fibers expand in the excesses of nutrition and intense workout followed by a period of recovery.

My idea plan for you would not be exactly what the other guys told you to do. Those are great exercise for bulking up but it sounds like you want to gain strength and you not so much concerned with size. None-the-less, size inevitably comes with good nutriton and physical activity.

Diet: Eat four medium size meals a day with a serving of meat or beans in every one. Don’t be afraid to pick-up a sports drink after a game or a long run but drink water at all other times.
Supplementation: A good multi-vitamin (GNC Mega-man or Beverly International Multi-Pac are both really good) and one scoop of whey protein once- twice a day.

Workout: Keep to your running, increasing your food intake as intensity increases; your body will most likely tell you when you need to eat more.

Doe three exercises for each body part. Doe three sets of four to six repetitions. Lift the heaviest weight you can push or pull up but sill use good form. Focus on an explosive movement on the positive and a slow controlled movement on the negative.
An example for:
Abs: Rope crunches, roman chair crunches, decline-twisting crunches
Arms: Bar curls, dumbbell preacher curls, hammer curls, skull crushers, rope triceps extension, weighted dips.
Back: weighted wide-grip pull-ups, one arm bent dumbbell rows, wide grip seated rows, dumbbell shrugs
Chest: Dumbbell incline bench press, barbell flat bench press, dumbbell flies.
Legs: Squats, leg extensions, hamstring curls, calf raises (do leg days only when you know you will have one complete day to recover, no running)

Monday: Chest (listed above), Arms (triceps- skull crushers, rope triceps extension, weighted dips.)

Wednesday: Back (listed above), Arms (Biceps- Bar curls, dumbbell preacher curls, hammer curls)

Friday/Saturday: Legs

*Fit abs in at least twice a week do four sets of 15- 20 repetitions.

I hope this helps. Also remember, the more information you give us the more we can focus on your specific needs. Otherwise, we are just trying to help you blindly.

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BUMP to M$$

That is great advice. Remember to eat meat and/or beans with every meal. Mom might be watching the household budget so keep in mind eggs are about $0.10 each. Peanut butter, baked beans (high in carbs), and whole milk are good inexpensive sources of ECAA's (start doing research) as well.

Look on the board for supplement websites that other members have recommended to purchase your Whey protein. At this point there is little need for you to be buying the most expensive stuff out there. Go for the $25.00 - $30.00, five pound bucket of Whey from Optimum Nutrition (Chocolate is the best tasting). PM me if you want a good stable Internet supplement retailer.

I also agree with M$$ about missing dessert or should I say not missing desert. Just make sure you get your meat/Whey in your diet before you go to the serving of dessert.
“How do you expect to get any pudding if you don’t eat your meat?”(Pink Floyd; The Wall)

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Thank you jchurch and M$$ so much for the information and help. I will ask my mom to pick up some protein shakes but at the moment i also have these detour bars that are high in protein.

Yeah, the nights where you see a long more complete dinner is a night at my moms and the other times is usually when im at my dads house. He doesnt really cook and i can only cook eggs.

As for breakfast. I am usually waking up, getting ready and then eating my bagel in the car. There isnt much time in the morning. So should i have a protein shake or a high protein bar in the morning instead?

I should eat alot more than i do but i just dont have that big of an appetite. I will do my best to eat more calories and protein though.

Thanks again guys, i really appreciate all the help and all the information is very useful to me. Thanks guys. 🙂

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I just wanted to make one comment. I think you have gotten a ton of great information from some great bro's on the board regarding your diet. And in looking over this post, there is one point of information that I think might be important.

You're 15 years old, I don't say that as a downer, I say that because of your soccer. You said that you were training for Soccer. There were a couple of posts that stated that you should watch your running, and be careful not to run to much.

Your body becomes a machine that is adept at doing what you are training it to do. Soccer is a demanding sport that you will be running basically 90 minutes at a time. I would suggest that you do run more than 2-3 miles a day, as in a game, you will be running even more than this especially if you are a middie, or an attacker.

Remember, your body is more anabolic between now and age 18 than you will ever be in your life again! Work out correctly, but hard, and feed it with the right fuel, and you will build a foundation that will serve you for your entire life.

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I will have to run more than 2-3 miles a day but those will be sprints. I need to build up endurance as well as agility. As for lifting goes. Im not really trying to build bulk. I am more of trying to get tone and work out my shoulders, back, thighs and calfs. Those are for soccer really. The arms and abs and other things i am doing for personal satisfaction.

On a side note. I forgot to mention i have Osgood-sclatters in my right knee. If you dont know what it is its basically my bone in my knee sticking out of my knee a little because its getting tugged on or something. (not exactly sure what it is) This has affected my squats terribly. Every single time i do one i add tension making it harder to push myself back up. Should i stop doing them? or is there another solution?

Oh and skull crushers are my new worst enemy.

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