Yohimbe & Fat loss
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Yohimbe & Fat loss

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Any benefits for fat loss?

I've also heard not to take it with ephedrine. Why not?

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No real evidence to make it worth while.

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Its in a lot of populat diet products.. lipo 6 has it as an ingredient but i'm not sure what effect for weight loss it has.

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if you stack it with caffeine & take with no carbs/sugars it will promote fat loss..

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if you stack it with caffeine & take with no carbs/sugars it will promote fat loss..
So will Kleenex if you do it like that!

I haven't used Yohimbe since they changed what was allowed to be used in it. That was probably 18 years ago. The old stuff was incredible. The new stuff is like Flintstone's Chewables in comparison.

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it needs to be standardized to 1.6% yohimbines 8mg stacked with 200mg caffeine.. if its just 500mg yohimbe its worthless without being standardized to an active ingredient :wel:

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also, if you use it with any sugar or carbs it becomes useless for fat burning, i'm not sure of the mechanics of it but that was a study.. i believe bill phillips wrote a few in depth articles about it in one of his old muscle media 2000 mags, if i can find it ill post the dates.

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As opposed to ephedrine which is a Beta agonist Yohimbe is an alpha agonist and works very well for women. I use it as I find that it does assist with fat loss, but I also keep my carbs very low most of the time. Oh and it also works quite well for ED if that's an issue for some of you.

I agree though that one needs to find a quality product as there are some very poor Yohimbe products on the "shelves".
