whats flax oil for?? Also saw palmatteo?
Flax is a healthy fat alternative/supplement, saw is escaping me at the moment.
thnxx for the quick post.....
S.P. is taken to keep the prostate healthy.
whats flax oil for??
Both Flax oil and fish oil are rich in essential fatty acids (EFA's). They contain fats called linolenic and linoleic acids. Both are necessary but particularly the omega-3 fatty (comprised from linolenic) acid is of interest here. Omega 3's might promote cardiovascular health as well as exsert anti-inflammatory actions in body.
EFA's are necessary for healthy prostoglandin production. Prostoglandins are hormone-like substances. Some protoglandins have inflammatory actions and some have anti-inflammatory actions. Prostoglandins are also involved in making other hormones. In short Prostoglandins may be of importance for growth and repair via other pathways and mechanisms. Now, I've also heard EFA's might increase insulin sensitivity but I'm not sure how much research there is on that.
So spoon up some flax oil. Chase it down with a protein shake maybe! Or if you prefer, hit some fish oil soft-gels.
bump! thats the answer I was looking for bro thnxxxxx
Olive oil is also great for the same purposes as flax seed oil and fish oil. Give it a try.