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What supplements do you use for cutting?

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I have just been reading through your training journal and I came across synephrine.

Do you recommend this for cutting? Does it really help you maintain your strength? The description I read said it was ver similar to ephedra, I take it its not illegal in competitions? When you take this do you take it with cafeine?

If theres a better alternative then synephrine please can you elaborate

Many thanks

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it's mildly similar to ephedrine... it is more of an appetite suppressant than anything else and that's what i use it for

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Posted by: @str8flexed
it's mildly similar to ephedrine... it is more of an appetite suppressant than anything else and that's what i use it for


Could you possibly detail supplements you take throughout:
a) Current Diet
Espescially Durning Calorie Excess
c) Espescially Durning Calorie Defecit
d) All Year Round



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during caloric deficit
-whey protein
-xtend (30g/day)
-2g/day taurine
-3 sesamin caps per day
-6-10 fish oil caps per day
-5g CLA/day
-1500mg glucosamine
-10mg yohimbine

during bulking
-whey protein


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Cheers Layne!


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When would you recommend taking a multivitamin on non training days and training days?

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you're splitting hairs... just take it whenever

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He also takes adderall, right layne?

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I take adderall as infrequently as possible. I don't think i've taken it in.. probably 6 months. I don't like relying on stimulants, I only use it when I am really really having trouble focusing. The last time i got a script filled was probably over a year ago.

Limitations are for people that have them and excuses are for people that need them.

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Oh, okay.

Do you not take caffeine? No stimulants? Damn layne, I would need them in the final stages of dieting, if only for their anti-catabolic effects.

OT: Were PH's legal to use in natural competitions back when they weren't banned?

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in some organizations they were legal, but the INBF banned them all the way back in 1999. I never used them because I think you are using them for the same reason you use steroids, and it's not like prohormones were nessecarily safer.

I consume caffiene... not as a stand alone but merely along with coffee I drink & diet soda. I don't take caffiene in on purpose i guess lol.

Limitations are for people that have them and excuses are for people that need them.

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The way I know you drink diet soda, you'd think it was on purpose.

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How about ephedrine layne? You allow that?
Just seeing how strict you are...

Can't believe you don't take things like Powerfull and such if they are allowed... But I guess it's not all about "winning within the rules" to you. Guess your personal ideals come into play.

Personally, I'd be hitting everything that was within the guidelines.

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Posted by: @arlowf
How about ephedrine layne? You allow that?
Just seeing how strict you are...

Can't believe you don't take things like Powerfull and such if they are allowed... But I guess it's not all about "winning within the rules" to you. Guess your personal ideals come into play.

Personally, I'd be hitting everything that was within the guidelines.

yea but if you aren't true to your own definition of natural then what is the point you know?

Limitations are for people that have them and excuses are for people that need them.

"Per Ferrum, ad astra"... Through iron, the stars
- Mel Siff

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Couple of questions Layne.

1. What is the timing of your dosage for the 10 mg of yohimbine during your calorie deficit stage?

2. I have read a few things on this, but since it was brought up that you consume diet sodas (which I am also very guilty of myself) do you believe the carbonationof the soda inhibits uptake of any supplements, or has any negative effect whatsoever?

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