Rebound Reloaded™ F...
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Rebound Reloaded™ Faq

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I will update this tomorrow with a link to the write-up.

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Q. What is the recommended dosing for Rebound Reloaded™?

A. 1-3 caps daily.

Q. Why 1-3 caps daily? Why not just 3?

A. Because the latter phase titration is optional. It is not a bad idea to do though.

Q. How do I dose the caps?

A. We recommend splitting their use over AM/PM, but if it’s more practical to take them all in the evening that is fine. Ideally, take a capsule with your first meal and 2 capsules with your evening meal. If you’re running a lower dose or in the middle of the titration period, split the two caps over the AM and PM. If down to one capsule daily, take it with your evening meal.

Q. So how long will a bottle last?

A. There are 90 capsules per bottle. If you dosed 3 caps a day for the entire duration, you have 30-days worth. If you titrate down towards the end of the cycle, it’ll extend to approximately 35 days.

Q. Is there any particular way to titrate down?

A. Not really. As noted, it is really personally preference (some users actually ramp UP their use). A very basic example is to run 3 caps daily for 3-3.5 weeks, reduce to 2 caps for a week or so, then run 1 capsule per day until you finish the bottle. It’s not rocket science and doesn’t warrant you stress over it too much.

Q. How long can I cycle it for?

A. With Rebound XT™, we recommended eight-week cycles, but generally condoned a four-week ceiling due to the negative impact some people had with libido. With Rebound Reloaded™, the negative impact on libido is not anticipated, nor did any of our beta testers suffered diminished libido due to the product, so 4-8 week cycles sounds ideal.

Q. What makes Rebound Reloaded™ better than Rebound XT™?

A. Rebound XT™ was and still is a very popular product that will no doubt be difficult to beat, but the supplement was not without side effects. One in particular was the loss of libido in various users after a certain period of use. Not only do we predict Rebound Reloaded™ to exert superior effects than Rebound XT™, we also expect no libido problems. Our extensive alpha and beta testing confirmed this – quite dramatically in some cases.

Q. So what sort of effects should I look out for?

A. Don’t look for anything, but expect similar effects typically experienced by our beta testers:

• Alpha-male mentality
• Increased libido
• Improved mood
• Mild improvements in strength and recovery
• Increase in energy

Other effects not noticed across the board but in certain cases include improved sleep, increases in bodyweight and reductions in body fat.

Q. What are the side effects?

A. Side effects expected from use of an aromatase inhibitor include sore joints from lowered estrogen, and oily skin from increased testosterone. Other, unexpected side effects reported during testing include dry mouth, increased core temperature and increased appetite in some.

Q. What is this aromatase thing?

A. An enzyme that converts androgens into estrogens.

Q. Such as?

A. Testosterone to estradiol.

Q. So how does Rebound Reloaded™ work exactly?

A. Magic.

Q. Seriously, what does Rebound Reloaded™ do?

A. Ok, I’ll paraphrase a segment of the write-up to help explain. Rebound Reloaded™ consists of the AroMatrix™, a trio of components that work together. The two significant components for the effect we are after are button mushroom extract and 6-Bromotase™. These two compounds are known as Aromatase Inhibitors (AI) i.e. they inhibit the aromatase enzyme from doings its function.

Now, consider testosterone, estradiol and aromatase as three separate “blocks”. The testosterone and aromatase blocks have what are known as “active sites”, which is where the two blocks connect. Upon doing so, a reaction occurs that changes the testosterone (androgen) into estradiol (estrogen). The two blocks then disconnect, and the aromatase is then free to find another testosterone block to convert to estradiol.

AI’s upset this process by taking up the active site of the aromatase enzyme, so testosterone cannot do so. This is basic aromatase inhibition and generally speaking, is how AI’s work.

Q. So what is the net effect from using Rebound Reloaded™?

A. Lowered estrogen, increased testosterone.

Q. How increased testosterone?

A. Because the conversion of androgens to estrogens (known as aromatization) is the primary method the male body has of obtaining estrogens (which it needs). If you are reducing estrogen, the body detects this and increases testosterone output in a bid to convert more into estradiol. It likes to keep a balance between its sex hormones, but while you are using Rebound Reloaded™, the overall effect is low estrogen, increased testosterone.

Q. So AIs only reduce estrogens and don’t eliminate them altogether?

A. Correct, providing you stay within the recommended dosing scheme allocated.

Q. Can women use it then?

A. Only if they know what they’re doing. Aromatase inhibitors affect the female physiology significantly and shouldn’t be toyed with unless the user has a full understanding of the possible effects.

Q. Is it most suited to bulking or cutting?

A. Either. Our beta testers reported increases in strength and recovery, so it should prove to be a very useful bulking agent. For cutting, the increases in testosterone should help retain lean body mass when on a sensibly planned diet.

Q. What can I stack with it?

A. Obviously, given that it is the improved version of Rebound XT™, we will fully endorse its use with ActivaTe™ to form the Improved NHA Stack™.

Lean Xtreme™ is the optional addition to the Improved NHA Stack™ that we recommend. However, Rebound Reloaded™ can be stacked with any other Designer Supplements or Designer Stackables product available.

Q. Does Rebound Reloaded™ need to be taken with a meal containing fat?

A. While the AroMatrix™ does contain some flax oil powder, it is still a good idea to take your cap(s) with about 5-10g fat.

Q. I have a medical condition. Is it ok for me to use Rebound Reloaded™?

A. As usual, always consult your doctor before using any new products.

Twin Peak
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It shipped to all stores yesterday.

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I just noticed that the title of this thread is "Rebound Reloaded FAG"

Lol, I knew Robboe had latent homosexual issues, but this was priceless.

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Posted by: @Tkarrde
I just noticed that the title of this thread is "Rebound Reloaded FAG"

Lol, I knew Robboe had latent homosexual issues, but this was priceless.


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This product won't make me check other guys out in the gym, will it?

If someone says something about you, and it really bothers you, it's probably because it's true.

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I'm very much digging the title.

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Posted by: @velikimajmun

Did I say latent?

I meant BLATENT!

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Posted by: @Tkarrde
I just noticed that the title of this thread is "Rebound Reloaded FAG"

Lol, I knew Robboe had latent homosexual issues, but this was priceless.

And whats wrong with being homosexual, Justin?

Jinx Me
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It doesn't actually say fag, it says faq - I actually pointed this out but Rob has explained that he couldn't use all-cap words in some of the titles so he was unable to type it in as FAQ (which might have looked a little less faggy, not that there's anything wrong with that).

Kicking ass is my comfort food

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Posted by: @Jinx Me
It doesn't actually say fag, it says faq - I actually pointed this out but Rob has explained that he couldn't use all-cap words in some of the titles so he was unable to type it in as FAQ (which might have looked a little less faggy, not that there's anything wrong with that).

No, no. In the name of humor and all that is good, Justin kindly edited the title to read "FAG", which i changed back this morning. The killjoy that i am.

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It shipped to all stores yesterday.

Jinx Me
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Posted by: @Robboe
No, no. In the name of humor and all that is good, Justin kindly edited the title to read "FAG", which i changed back this morning. The killjoy that i am.

Kicking ass is my comfort food

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There is nothing wrong with homosexuality dear Robboe.

That said, I did find the acronym change amusing

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Posted by: @Tkarrde

There is nothing wrong with homosexuality dear Robboe.

That said, I did find the acronym change amusing

And i your sex change.
