Just a question, but I consume 4 protein shakes a day. Whey Isolate. And i have been doing so for years and years. Is this hard on the kindneys by chance? Or is there ever a period time that I should take off from protein intake in the form of powders??
it can be but i do the same thing, if you add fiber oat meal eggs flaxseed hemp oil and a few other goodies, it does not hurt them as bad, + make sure your drinking 1 1/2 gals of water per day min. And drink some cranberry juice every day, I do and my kindness always check out fine.
If your kidneys are healthy then you are fine. For digestion & nutrient purposes, however You want to get as much of your protein from natural sources & use shakes as a supplement.
Well, I dont smoke and I dont drink, no bad habbits other then I dont eat fruits or veges....its a texture issue...dont ask..haha.
I drink plenty of water every day but i dont take any suppliments to help them out...what is recommended>
I dont eat fruits or veges....its a texture issue...dont ask..haha.
Get over that. If your serious about reaching any sort of fitness goals you need the nutrients in fruits & veggies.
What storm said.
I second that .
I drink plenty of real juices and I suppliment with "Real Greens" powerd. The odd time i will throw some fruit in a blender and drink it. I cant just chomp down on a piece of fruit.....i start gagging! I like the taste, its just the texture I cant handle.