Palo Alto Labs Rese...
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Palo Alto Labs Reset AD

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This is supposed to resensitize you from over stimulant use. What do you think?

Introducing Reset AD by Palo Alto Labs

You spend twelve stressful hours a day at work, you bust your ass in the gym each and every night, you've got a spouse that constantly gives you a hard time and you never seem to sleep enough. Face it, you're flat worn out from all the stress, and the only thing that keeps you going are the energy drinks and the fat burners that you're constantly throwing down. Like millions of others around you, you are suffering from Adrenal Fatigue, a chronic condition brought about by long periods of intense exposure to stress, sleep deprivation and overuse of stimulants. What you've probably also noticed is that the stimulants that you've been throwing down, just don't have the same kick anymore. All those preworkout powders and fatburners and energy drinks you take just to get you pumped for your workout, and they just don't seem to be cutting it anymore. You even wonder if the formula of your favorite product has been changed without you knowing. The formula hasn't been changed in most cases, you've just become DESENSITIZED to the effects of stimulants because of poor adrenal function.

RE-Stim your Stimulant

If you're ready to begin resensitizing yourself to stimulants, while also improving the health of your adrenal system, then you are ready. If you are desperate to put that charge back into your favorite stimulant, then you're ready to experience Reset-A.D.

Introducing Reset-A.D., the first of its kind supplement, designed specifically to resensitize your adrenal system to stimulants while helping to improve overall adrenal function and aid in the alleviation of fatigue, weight gain and muscle weakness brought about due to the over-exertion of our adrenal system. Reset-A.D. has been formulated to offer needed support to the over-taxed adrenal gland and provide your body with many of the missing adrenal hormones that are no longer being adequately produced.

Reset-A.D. is NOT a stimulant, and has NOT been designed to replace any of the stimulant products in your arsenal. It has been specifically formulated to work in close concert with your preworkout and fatburning products as a stimulant facilator in order to give you the maximum perfomance boost in your workouts and throughout the rest of your day.

In our fitness crazed society, we supplement our bodies for nearly every condition. We take products to improve joint health, products to reduce cholestrol, build muscle and speed metabolism in order to burn fat. We use liver detoxifiers and anti-estrogen products after prohormone use and we even take supplements to improve our sexual function. Through all this supplementation though, we are completely ignoring the critical health and function of our adrenal system. Without a fully functioning adrenal system, we no longer have an adequate ability to respond to stress. Energy production drops dramatically, fatigue and slugglishness sets in, fat storage increases and weight gain ensues. Adrenal Fatigue is not a condition that solves itself. In our fast paced, 16 hour day, stressed out lives, Adrenal Fatigue is a self propagating condition that can't simply be ignored or masked by massive doses of stimulant products alone, i.e. fatburners and energy drinks. Now there is a revolutionary new supplement from Palo Alto Labs designed to specificially address the condition of adrenal fatigue and
