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need help with diuretics

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Good really start the carb up process early. Do you deplete from the wed. before that sun? If you don't mind, what kind of grams do you do from sunday on? Just curious how gradually you up them since you start carbing up so far out.

Just trying to get all the different opinions. That last week is where the science and experimentation really pay off. Good stuff so far...

I don't really deplete too much anymore, so I guess loading is kind of not the right term. It's a gradual increase. I pretty much eat my normal diet, but
I usually stay around 150-175g of carbs the last week before my show. The second to last week, I'm at around 100-125.
I used to go real low those last 2 weeks and then load about 3 days before and I just always came is flat as hell. It really is a science for each person and I dont' know that I've
really even figured it out. I know I've been alot more full my last 2 shows, so something is working. It's really all trial and error though.
My buddy wants me to load as high as 200g the last few days. I dunno about that yet. He thinks I can pull it off. I'm worried about spill over with that much.

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thanks alot every one for the great response's.Im tryin to put about five or sixlbs before my next show in october.i think it will be alot easier to cut down this time
I just gotta get the timing right again thank's for all the great input i knew i could count on my AZ. By the way thanx QOD!!


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I don't really deplete too much anymore, so I guess loading is kind of not the right term. It's a gradual increase. I pretty much eat my normal diet, but
I usually stay around 150-175g of carbs the last week before my show. The second to last week, I'm at around 100-125.
I used to go real low those last 2 weeks and then load about 3 days before and I just always came is flat as hell. It really is a science for each person and I dont' know that I've
really even figured it out. I know I've been alot more full my last 2 shows, so something is working. It's really all trial and error though.
My buddy wants me to load as high as 200g the last few days. I dunno about that yet. He thinks I can pull it off. I'm worried about spill over with that much.

why not do a couple of "dry runs" proir to your contest? see if you do spill over or not? at this point (a few weeks out) you should be pretty much in contest shape and a bit of carb loading once a week isn't gonna be detremental (hope that;s the word, im so low carbs right now:( ) to your physique.

god i wish i could carb up like this:( it's not even worth the try though, i will spill ALL over the place:)

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I agree with what Buffdigity does. I see no reason to deplete and load. Look at most pros. 2 weeks before the show they are dry, hard, and full as all get out. Then they get to the show after depleting and loading and they either look flat, watery or just smooth. Just stay they course. That's why I don't like diets that flatten you out. I really don't believe that people are that carb sensitive. If you use the right carbs you will drop weight. That's just my opinion though. It's all a matter of structuring your diet to suit your body. We always thought that Dieselgirl was carb sensitive and now she gets quite a few carbs in her diet and she leans out big time and holds way more muscle. I understanding depleting to really push out the water but if you drink enough leading up to the show and take the right things you really shouldn't need to deplete. Stay full the whole time and I think it makes things alot easier. Plus you feel a whole lot better.

Chest Rockwell
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I don't really deplete too much anymore, so I guess loading is kind of not the right term. It's a gradual increase. I pretty much eat my normal diet, but
I usually stay around 150-175g of carbs the last week before my show. The second to last week, I'm at around 100-125.
I used to go real low those last 2 weeks and then load about 3 days before and I just always came is flat as hell. It really is a science for each person and I dont' know that I've
really even figured it out. I know I've been alot more full my last 2 shows, so something is working. It's really all trial and error though.
My buddy wants me to load as high as 200g the last few days. I dunno about that yet. He thinks I can pull it off. I'm worried about spill over with that much.

Yeah...sounds like you just didn't end up carbing up enough. I had the same problem. Afraid of spilling over and then end up not taking in enough so you never fill out.

Like it's been said, bodies react differently but I doubt 200g the last couple days or so would hurt. It would probably help you stay full. Look at how most people go out after the show and eat tons of pizza and burgers. The next day from all the crap and sodium they are full, still ultra lean, and vascular. So upping your carbs slightly isn't that harsh.

I tend to agree w/ QOD on the point that if you're ready around 2 weeks out there is no need for anything drastic. Just minor adjustments should do. It's not like you're going to trick your body into looking like Dorian in a week.

Hey BuffD, you said that you are not big on depleting/loading. I know you're working with Trop and don't want to give away too much but is he thinking along the same lines as you? I assume he is since you're working with him now.

You also talked about Dieselgirl and her "carb sensitivity". Instead of keeping her carbs excessively low do you now allow her to have a higher carb intake but adding in more cardio? I think some people make the mistake or restricting calories too much and doing less cardio or even doing too much cardio on top of the restricted calories. I have made this mistake and now I'm a believer in keeping the calories higher even if it means more time on the treadmill. The muscles must be fed. If not, they will leave you.

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She rotates her carbs like me just keeps them lower obviously then I do. She isn't do much cardio at all and she's lost about 30lbs in 10 weeks of dieting. She gets her high, med and low days. She'll have more time between high days than someone like me but she does get high days and hasn't gone to zero carbs at all. I can't speak for what Trop is doing with his other clients but he thinks along the same lines as me when it comes to me. I know he wants to do it with others too but alot of people are stuck on the old ways of depleting and loading. If things are done right you'd be amazed at how many carbs you can eat and still drop. I haven't done more than 30mins of cardio at any point of my diet and I'm 4 weeks out now. I actually look more like 2 weeks out. I agree 100% with QOD about being ready 2 weeks out. You do not wanna have to drop anything but water the final week. If you have to lose fat still you will mess yourself up. Be ready early.

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That's why I don't like diets that flatten you out. I really don't believe that people are that carb sensitive. If you use the right carbs you will drop weight. .

people ARE carb sensitive, believe it. i CANNOT diet using carbs, there is no way, no how. i also get shitty results from utilizing insulin. but my coach loves the stuff and isn't carb sensitive (albiet he does diet under 60gms of carbs a day, steps on stage as a super-heavy weight and has his pro-card)

when you diet low carbs, you rely on fats to give you energy, you would be surprised at how much energy your body will produce with a few tablespoons of flax every day (which among other things will help you metabolize stored fat in the body)

and i have tried the "carb" approach. it doesn't work for me and i end up looking like shit on stage, so, i stick with dieting low carbs, moderate fats, high protein with a junk day once a week (leading up to the show, i start 3 days dieting, one day off, and work my way up to 5-6 days on, one off)

you can't sell everyone on dieting with carbs, we are all different. no two people react the EXACT same way to dieting.

each to their own.....

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This is an interesting thread to say the least. My experience (and that covers about 27 years) is that low carbs, moderate fats (efa), and high protein work best. I have tried the higher carb approach, as it was the "in" diet back in the mid 80s. What I found was that my energy levels were very poor overall, and no matter what "supplements" I used my strength went down. Yes I came into a show ripped, but the diet was hell!

Now I run a diet that has under 100 grams of carbs but with lots of protein and fats, and my energy levels are stable throughout the diet, as is my strength. I come into a show in better shape than when I use carbs throughout my diet, so IMO this type of dieting works the best.

My diet lasts for about 6 months, and is gradually increased in intensity throughout, as is my cardio. I have tried the shorter 3 month diets but they don't allow for junk days etc, and I found that my metabolism would shut down hard with a diet of this nature. Plus I feel that a longer more gradual diet allows for better muscle retention whether one is natty or enhanced.

As for the final week my diet stays the same or possibly a little lower in carbs, and my water, although high throughout my diet, is pushed to at least 3 gallons per day. I begin carbing up (clean carbs consisting of yams, red potatoes, and some oatmeal.) on thursday afternoon, and add in diazide at this point. Come friday my water is cut in half, and by friday at 6:00 my water is dropped completely. By 7:00 pm I begin my "shit" load of fats, carbs and protein. I'll eat a burger, fries, gravy, peanut butter cookies, etc, and on saturday morning (before pre-judge) I'll have pancakes, eggs, bacon etc just no water.

After pre-judge I'll have a small amount of water, and then continue with same drying out proceedure. That's it in a nutshell, but I also agree with QOD in that one should be ready to go by 2 weeks out, and try a mini carb/junk load to see how their body responds. Remember QOD gets junk days every week so she can see how she is responding to certain foods throughout her diet.

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If I dieted for 6 months I'd shoot myself in the head LOL. I'm doing 16 weeks this year and it's plenty long enough for me. I'd have to be a total fatass to go any longer LOL.

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yeah, I only diet for 14-16 weeks myself. I'm usually in contest shape by 4 weeks out.

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If I dieted for 6 months I'd shoot myself in the head LOL. I'm doing 16 weeks this year and it's plenty long enough for me. I'd have to be a total fatass to go any longer LOL.

um....isn't that what "off-season" is all about? i LOVE being a fat-ass and look very forward to my next BULK 😀

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Not me I have to be able to see my abs. I'm not talking ripped 6 pack here LOL. But I can't go overboard. I do eat pretty much what I want though. Good metabolism I guess.

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Not me I have to be able to see my abs. I'm not talking ripped 6 pack here LOL. But I can't go overboard. I do eat pretty much what I want though. Good metabolism I guess.

evil rotten man 😀

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