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nano vapor???

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just wondering if anyone heard anything about this new product from musletech. I believe its called nanovapor. its a creatine that has nitric oxide in it. im not really too sure about it. any info on the product will help. thanks

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Most NO products have creatine in them. I've never heard of nano vapor.

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just wondering if anyone heard anything about this new product from musletech. I believe its called nanovapor. its a creatine that has nitric oxide in it. im not really too sure about it. any info on the product will help. thanks

nano is a new process in which the product material ismade alot smaller in form and makes it easy to absorb into the blood stream were other products you wast more because the body cant absorb it right .if you by the book at gnc it will explaine it all in there for ya:)

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ive heared of the stuff but dont have any personal experience with it.. a lot of the young guys at the gym are always talking about it but most of those kids are in that faze in life where they go nuts over every new product gnc gets. these days i just stick to the basics... but i'll let you know if i hear some good feedback on the stuff
