Melting Point™ FAQ
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Melting Point™ FAQ

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Melting Point™ FAQ

Here is a basic FAQ for the product.

(Q) Is there a full write-up for the product anywhere?
Yes, it can be found here.

(Q) Where can I buy Melting Point™?
Check our retailer page here.

(Q) How long will a bottle last?
30 days at the recommended dose.

(Q) What is the recommended dosage?
4-6 caps per day. You are free to experiment with higher dosing if you so desire.

(Q) Is there anything Melting Point™ should or should not be taken with?
MP alone is awesome, but can be stacked with other available products for synergy. Melting Point™ + Lean Xtreme™ would be very potent. Glucophase XR™ can also be used during dieting for optimal fat burning.

(Q) Can I stack Melting Point™ with other products?
Yes, it is just that flexible. Seriously.

(Q) Should it be taken with food or on an empty stomach?

(Q) Is a loading phase necessary?
It most certainly is not necessary, however, it can be quite beneficial to front load with LipidAce™, as its effects continue even when you later reduce dosage.

(Q) Are doses spread throughout the day or is it a 1-shot deal?
The half-life of LipidAce™ is about 12 hrs so you could theoretically take one dose per day, but we recommend splitting your daily dose at least in half for optimal effects.

(Q) Are there any dangers with using Melting Point™?
Nothing in all of the studies we have read indicates that Melting Point™ contains any ingredients that are anything other than safe and very effective. Even at much higher doses.

(Q) Will LipidAce™ have any effect on thyroid or thyroid medication?

(Q) Since Melting Point™ increases your metabolism, does it make you feel hotter?
Alpha-testing reports show mild increases in core temperature, but nothing uncomfortable or intolerable, unless you already live on the equator.

(Q) Can you take Melting Point™ if you already take prescription medication for migraines?
Of course it depends on the specific drug, and anyone taking any prescription medications should consult their physician before starting this or any new dietary supplement, but in general there should be no contraindications between Melting Point™ and migraine medication.

(Q) Can I stack EC with Melting Point™?
Yes, but given the effectiveness of Melting Point™, you may want to ask whether it is necessary first.

(Q) Can I use Melting Point™ for a lean bulk?
Yes. Dosing is going to depend upon the individual and their body type. If you gain fat easily, you should experiment between a ½ dose and a full dose to see what works best. If you are an ectomorph or a mesomorph, there really is no need to take Melting Point when bulking.

(Q) Will Melting Point™ work well with a diet?
Melting Point™ will work awesome with any diet.

(Q) Would you go as far to say that someone doing a lean bulk (without Melting Point™) could ditch the oatmeal, tuna, etc, and start eating pizza, cookies, ice cream, etc, with about the same results while on Melting Point?
Based on studies and the alpha-testing - yes. But also understand, eating like crap will not produce the same results (in terms of muscle gain, strength gain or even body composition) as eating clean. Melting Point™ will not turn crap fuel into premium fuel, it will just help you clean out the crap fuel so that is doesn’t mess up your engine. Melting Point™ is designed to greatly assist a well designed exercise and eating plan, not make up for it.

(Q) How does Melting Point™ affect the liver?
It will affect most cells in your body, including liver cells. But it's not going to harm liver values like methylated androgenic compounds do, no.

(Q) Any reason you can't use this stuff indefinitely, or would one want to cycle it?
Your body strives to maintain homeostasis as best as it can, and even though studies indicate that LipidAce™ gets stronger with long-term use, it'd still be a safe bet (and economical) to cycle off for 4-6 weeks after a long cycle. Generally speaking, one could use Melting Point™ for 10-16 weeks, the more overweight you are, the longer you can stand on Melting Point™ with continued efficacy.

(Q) Any benefit to (or problems with) double or triple dosing?
No problem with bumping the doses up if you can afford to, no. In fact, we recommend experimenting with dosage levels to find the optimal dosage level for you.

(Q) Any instances in literature of rashes such as those seen with UA (Usnic Acid) and DNP?
While one pathway LipidAce™ works through is the uncoupling protein family, it is not a mitochondrial uncoupler like the compounds noted, so no. Nor has any alpha tester seen anything of the sort.

(Q) Does Melting Point™ compete with SesaThin™ and fish oil, so that taking them together gives you less than the sum of their individual effects?
No. To the contrary, there is potential synergy of these compounds.

(Q) Does Melting Point™ have any positive/negative effects on hunger?
In some of the alpha-testers, increased hunger was noted. This is not surprising, however, because of the significant increase in metabolism.

(Q) Green Tea Extract (GTE) can inhibit gastric lipase, inhibiting the absorption of dietary fats. Since Melting Point™ is comprised of fatty acids, wouldn't it be prudent to avoid taking GTE and MP together?
The same can be said for avoiding fibre/green vegetables with fats, as the fibre can hinder absorption. But the overall effect is quite small, so don’t stress over it. If it’ll make you feel better, then sure.

(Q) Is there a particular “ideal” body fat % to use Melting Point™ at?
Yes - if you are above 15% body fat, or below 15% body fat, Melting Point™ is ideal. Designer Supplements – Ever the comedians…

(Q) Will all the health benefits of Melting Point™ be obtained with normal dosing or are they also dose dependant so that the higher the dosage the better the health benefits?
For health benefits, the recommended dose will be ideal, but there is also the chance that double-dosing may bring some qualities to light quicker, although the effect is not necessarily linear. Eventually, when you hit peak optimal health, returns will diminish with increasing the dosage (i.e. you can’t get any healthier).

(Q) It seems that standard dose Melting Point™ during prohormone post-cycle therapy (PCT) would be extremely beneficial in regards to correcting lipid profiles and helping avoid fat gain.
Absolutely. It would also allow you to eat a lot more to ensure you maintain your gains, without the concern for adding body fat - something typical of the PCT environment when estrogen tends to be higher and Testosterone tends to be lower. Combined with Rebound XT™ and Lean Xtreme™ you have the best PCT strategy available.

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What's the best time to take it? I split it into 3 doses of 2 pills each morning, early afternoon and early evening? Will it mess with my sleep?

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The only person i've heard of who had negatively impacted sleep, was Derek ("Beast").

He felt it made him insomniac, but he'snot reported such effects from LipidFX, so i dunno whether it was melting point-related.

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Posted by: @Robboe
The only person i've heard of who had negatively impacted sleep, was Derek ("Beast").

He felt it made him insomniac, but he'snot reported such effects from LipidFX, so i dunno whether it was melting point-related.

I take melatonin to help me sleep sometimes anyways... just wanted to make sure mp wouldnt impact my sleep (or lack thereof).

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Any idea on Kcal content from maltodextrin?

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Posted by: @vain68
Any idea on Kcal content from maltodextrin?

Negligble. Its a consistuent of the capsule make-up.

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as it is a matrix of fatty acids is there any kcal amount at all to the recommended dosage?

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It will increase your metabolism enough to metabolize its own calories and then some.

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Would there be any benefit to frontloading this stuff? Say, 10-12 caps ED for a few days, then back off to 6?

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I dunno to be honest. I would guess that would help build-up cellular concentrations quicker, but you'd also get the cramping much quicker that way.

If you give it a go, let me know, or keep a detailed journal for me to follow.

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I'll try ramping up to 9 caps ED for now. Any guess as to how long I should do that before dropping back to 6? I could always do it til I start to feel cramping.

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At 9 caps, i imagine (provided you are in calorie deficit, because maintanence/suprlus does not seem to cause this) you'll be in crampsville by day 8-9. See if you can last 10 days at 9 caps before dropping to 6 and running from there.

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Posted by: @Robboe
At 9 caps, i imagine (provided you are in calorie deficit, because maintanence/suprlus does not seem to cause this) you'll be in crampsville by day 8-9. See if you can last 10 days at 9 caps before dropping to 6 and running from there.


I'm also using a significant amount of taurine each day, so I might not cramp up very badly... if I hit 10 days without cramping I'll just drop back to 6 caps ED.

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Fucking NO NO NO NO.

DO NOT FRONT END. You will screw yourself majorly, Kimbo - you will shut down your thyroid and badly fuck up calcium transport.

Magnesium boy, thats what you want. 450mg 3-5 per day, sipped slowly right alongside that taurine and inositol.

You do that, and burn them liberated fatty acids off, you'll be fine..but do not front load this shit.

Bad karma for your VAT.

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Posted by: @trouble
Fucking NO NO NO NO.

DO NOT FRONT END. You will screw yourself majorly, Kimbo - you will shut down your thyroid and badly fuck up calcium transport.

Magnesium boy, thats what you want. 450mg 3-5 per day, sipped slowly right alongside that taurine and inositol.

You do that, and burn them liberated fatty acids off, you'll be fine..but do not front load this shit.

Bad karma for your VAT.

hmmn... ok... I take it you think front loading will hit me too hard? If you think there's a legitimate chance that I'd mess my thyroid up then I'll back off.

If someone says something about you, and it really bothers you, it's probably because it's true.
