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M4OHN and cutting

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Posted by: @prolangtum
It is much unlike M 1T, in that you will not see results as quick. But, as 4-5 days pass, take a look at your elbows and forearms, they should be more vascular. A few veins outta be streaking out of the delts in no time also. My quads arent freaky size wise (a la Derek) but when on tren or m4ohn, shaven quads scare away women and children.

IN your opinion which is the better hormone to stock up on M4ohn or m1t?

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IMO, none.

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They both have their spots but I would say m4ohn simply for the fact that you can take it for longer periods of time and feel great on it. Plus it seems to be better in terms of pure body comp changes. But if pure mass is all you're after and can live with feeling like crap for a couple weeks then m1t would suit you better.

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But neither will be able to be carried on a plane, legally that is.

Seriously, M4OHN & M-1T are worth stashing in your medicine cabinet.

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im not feeling lousy on m1t(20mg /day and 4mg m-dien / day). all ive noticed is a bit of angery reactions which can easily be attributed to all the stress around me. nothing out of the ordinary.

only downside is how easy it is to cramp out doing nothing. tons of water and biotin with my PW ala seem to help though.

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uuuuhhh....dude.....this is the M4OHN thread.

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Posted by: @LuckyBoy
But if pure mass is all you're after and can live with feeling like crap for a couple weeks then m1t would suit you better.

SJA: sorry i shoulda been more clear... my comment was in regards to lucky boy's comment

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OH....I missed that. thanks.

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prolangtum, Loki:

Thanks for the tip! I will try to be patient here.

Ji-Yong David Chung

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2nd lift (after 4 days of M4OHN)

wt: 190 (-2 lb, since my last weigh in)

flatbench: 235 x 8 (0 rep change, since my last workout)
pullups: (bw + 25)x 10 (0 rep change)
inclined dumbell presses: 100 x 8 (0)
t-bar rows: 185 x 3 (0)
dumbbell shoulder press: 85 x 8 (+1)


(1) No significant changes in stats, but I am feeling stronger. Actually, my strength initially decreased due to sleep deprivation for a couple of days, and now it seems to be bouncing back. Unfortunately, this type of irregularity renders feedback logs less reliable and less useful. For instance, if M4OHN kicked in after 2 days, this log would not reflect it. Hopefully, this thread will turn out to be a reasonably well-run experiment log, without any further interruptions / disturbances in my regimen.

(2) Not sure, but I think M4OHN is kicking in. My forearms seem to be becoming tad more vascular.

(3) Damn I am weak. I hate cutting.

Ji-Yong David Chung

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yeah man, i feel you, thats the absolute hardest thing for me to contend w/ while I am cutting is losing my strength... How do the rest of you put up w/ that? When im pushing ninty fives on day and then can only get 85's for 5 reps a week later, I hate myself. sounds like i need to send this to another thread..

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The sleep deprivation sounds like the begining signs of M4OHN. I also feel great when I am on this, I sleep less and feel much better about it.

As for losing strength while cutting, just try to get it deep inside yoru head that you are not trying to get stronger right now, your goal is to lose fat. When you have lost the fat you can change your training protocol for a strength phase and eat normal.

Just keep thinking its two totally different phases of improvement. Your not getting weaker, yoru losing fat, thats it.

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LMAO...this is always what fucks with people. It's a mental game....always. When you're strong...your conditioning is shit...when your lean....conditioning is up but your strength is shit. That's why it's a sickness get down with it

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WindowJumper, Sldgehmr, SJA:

Thanks for frank but really depressing outlook on dieting.

I deal with dieting by being extra narcissistic: that is, (1) wearing clothes with maximum skin exposure and (2) flexing near any reflecting surface and admiring my muscle fibers and striations whenever I get an opportunity.

I try to perform my pathetic rituals when people (e.g.., my wife) are not looking, since they will make fun of me.

Ji-Yong David Chung

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Addenda to above notes:

(1) I feel M4OHN "euphoria" which others talked about. It is slightly similar to highs that l feel in the middle of intense workout.

(2) M4OHN is not responsible for my sleep deprivations that I mentioned above. My boss is. Actually, that is not entirely accurate either. I am responsible, since, theoretically, I could have told her "Why don't YOU work those hours? I need to get my beauty sleep."

Ji-Yong David Chung

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