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M4OHN and cutting

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This will be just like my feedback on M-D.


DURATION: 2-4 weeks

DOSAGE: Starting at 16 mg ED (1fast400's tablets = Sldge's stuff) I will increase it as I go.

GOAL: Cutting.



I will simply post my weight and max lifting strength. Strength increase/maintenance at less body weight will indicate muscle accrual/maintenance.



cals: 1800-2000 cals / day. (closer to 1800). Maintenance cals ~ 2600
Refeed twice a week: Friday and Tuesday
Refeed cals: 2700 cals.
Protein: 150-200 g.

Hopefully, the rest of calories will come mostly from 50/50 carb / fat. Also, calories will be revised upward as I progress, as other feedbacks have indicated M4OHN seems to allow efficient nutrient repartitioning.



186-190 lb, 11 % bf



Lifting-wise, full upper body workout, 3 x per week. No legs due to injury.

W,Th,Sat: flat bench, pull-ups, inclined press, t-bar rows, dumbbell shoulder press.

Tu,F,Sun: 36 min cardio



glucosamine, 9 g (in 3 doses)
lecithin: 10 of 200 mg (for choline supplementation)
ALCAR: 2.4 g
l-tyrosine: 2.4 g
fish oil: 9 g
piracetam: 5 g

Occasionally, ephedrine HCL

Ji-Yong David Chung

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Strength measurements, just before staring on M4OHN:

wt: 189

flatbench: 235 x 8
pullups: bw x 18
incline dumbell presses: 100 x 8
t-bar rows: 185 x 3
dumbbell shoulder press: 85 x 7

I am leaner now than I was at the start of M-D feedback thread I started earlier.

Ji-Yong David Chung

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What did you do for PCT after the MD cycle? Seems like you just finished that up...

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6-oxo and tribulus. But I didn't feel shutdown, so I am not sure if PCT did anything.

Ji-Yong David Chung

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How many days were you off mdien before this new cycle?

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It has been a week.

I ended my first M-D trial in the middle of May, but then I re-started on M-D at 10 mg ED. I was on it for about 12 days until I started on PCT.

Ji-Yong David Chung

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WOW....look at VC go!!! 16 mg is kinda sporty for a starting point with M4OHN my friend. I'll be interested to see how this goes for you. MD does not seem to shut anyone down as far as "feel" goes but how about bloodwork results? I haven't seen any bloodwork results for post MD cycle to see how quickly you recover. Especially with the new dosing protocol.

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I would be a bit concerned about the short time off, regardless of how you felt.

Still, good luck and I'll be interested in seeing the results.

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>16 mg is kinda sporty for a starting point with M4OHN

Actually, I thought sldge recommended 12mg for his bodyweight and 14mg for 200#. 16 seems just slightly high... (?)

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fuzz, SJA:

You guys are right, I should have taken proper precautions.

I was ambivalent about starting on M4OHN so soon, but then I became impatient, because of the impending prohormone ban. I wanted to do a mini cycle of M4OHN (just long enough to know if it is cost effective), so I could decide whether to stock up.

Ji-Yong David Chung

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1st lift (1 day of M4OHN)

wt: 192 (after "unplanned refeed", due to too much dieting fatigue)

flatbench: 235 x 8
pullups: (bw + 25)x 10
incline dumbell presses: 100 x 8
t-bar rows: 185 x 3
dumbbell shoulder press: 85 x 7

Notes: Obviously, nothing so far. No difference in recovery, no alleviation of joint pains. As of yet, unlike Loki on M4OHN, I do not feel like million bucks, nor do I feel like smiling at people.

Ji-Yong David Chung

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And you've been on it, what, 24 hours now??

Give it a few days-- I guarantee you'll start feeling additional energy/focus-- pretty much all the live-long day. Especially since you're taking quite-a-bit of it...

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It did not make me happy per se, but compared to M 1T, it is night and day. It did give me the same sense of general saisfaction of life feeling that 540mgs of test gives.

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It is much unlike M 1T, in that you will not see results as quick. But, as 4-5 days pass, take a look at your elbows and forearms, they should be more vascular. A few veins outta be streaking out of the delts in no time also. My quads arent freaky size wise (a la Derek) but when on tren or m4ohn, shaven quads scare away women and children.

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>but when on tren or m4ohn, shaven quads scare away women and children.

And attract men?

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