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Growth Recipe?!

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I am at 6-2, 215, 12% BF. I would like to see some added size and stay the same weight. This means that I would have to lean up as well! My diet is good and my workouts are intense (5-6 days/week, 90 minutes/workout).

I am considering the following for good results:

1. Gaspari Nutrition Novedex XT
2. Gaspari Nutrition Super Pump 250
3. Universal Nutrition Animal Pak, L-Arginine, or cutting pill (???)
4. MET Rx Original Drink Mix

What are your thoughts? Is this too much? What about #3??

Thanks again….

Evil Genius

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Does anyone have any thoughts on this? I have heard the Gaspari Nutrition Novedex XT is some pretty good stuff.

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The only thing i know about pro-hormones is that I hear most people get more side effect than benefits.

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The only thing i know about pro-hormones is that I hear most people get more side effect than benefits.

that pretty much sums up my experience

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dont be a fag, protien and creatine are all you need. if not, youre not pulling hard enough. NO NEED to call names here bro.

For Evil Genius, I agree with Storm and Mighty about pro hormones. Just an expensive way to fuck your hormone balance up. What's Novedex XT ? Some type of natural anti-e? There's no need to run anti-e's unless your on gear. Sounds like another Gaspari ripoff to me. Animal Pcks and MET Rx Original Drink Mix are great products.

Just my opinion.

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NO NEED to call names here bro.

For Evil Genius, I agree with Storm and Mighty about pro hormones. Just an expensive way to fuck your hormone balance up. What's Novedex XT ? Some type of natural anti-e? There's no need to run anti-e's unless your on gear. Sounds like another Gaspari ripoff to me. Animal Pcks and MET Rx Original Drink Mix are great products.

Just my opinion.

I actually knew a guy who's system (libido) shut down hard on his cycle with Deca. He went to a health food store on the advice of another gym member and ended up with this Novadex XT. A week later he calls me almost in tears. I gave him some Nolvadex and a 3 week pct to follow starting with 50 mg of Nolvadex first week. He was a new man in 5 days and kept most of his gains after finishing the pct. Bottom line is Novedex XT ain't Nolvadex and pro hormones ain't gear. More like gear with all the side effects and non of the growth.:cents

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I fully support the above posts. PHs are a total waste of money and will screw up your natural hormones, so if you're gonna use AAS then use AAS or just stick with the tried and true natty supplements like creatine, EFAs, protein/MRP, and NO2. Of course a diet high in protein and quality cals is of the utmost importance in making quality gains.

PHs are a huge rip off!

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Being relatively new to PHs and Gear, the feedback regarding the PHs is good to hear. I will cross that off the list and use the others. I have never used any Animal Pak products or Amino Acids. I am curious to see the benefits!!

BS Nutrition
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animal pak is a great multi/bcaa. Super pumo is a good product as well, I take it while i work out.

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Glad to see we bann people here for calling names. WTF? Seemed like a good newbie question to me from someone trying to learn! I agree with the views on prohormones. If I were scarred of legal repercussions that's the only reason I'd take prohormones. Gear is more efficient as it's already a steroid when it enters the body. If I were going to take prohormone I'd try some new ones from lg sciences, I went to school with their chemist and he knows the laws very good. he is able to sneak some pretty good stuff through in the "legal" categories. The government regulates the amount of active hormone they can use so I would definitely up the recommended doses. If you aint scarred of john Q law I would I would ALWAYS take the real deal.

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That post was one of several, insulting members & not offering any positive input.
