Glucophase XR™FAQ
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Glucophase XR™FAQ

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Posted by: @liorrh
you might want to look into research before you look into logs. jsut punch quercitin and P450 or CYP3A4 in pubmed. all over the place.

the point is that KRALA can be had, but KRALA+biotin+maybe other goodies should be extremley beneficial and can also sell. but as they say, time will tell.

at least we got the thought process going with you DS guys, so maybe there will be something happening in GXR-Reloded

I'm not sure if you're implying I don't read research or don't understand mechanistics, if you are, Ha.

I just think a lot of people EXPECT to feel potentiation, that was the only point I was trying to make.

I rather doubt you'll be seeing Q-free GXR as it seems most are quite happy as is.

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In all honesty, with the number of choices in the arsenal and all things considered, GXR is in my top 5 (normal, non-hormonal) supps of all time, for regular use, overall health benefit, etc.

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Is this a slow release format product? If not, I would suggest you look into formulating a time-released version. Your website information doesn't indicate that it time release, although the XR designaton usually implies extended (time) release.

This attribute alone would make it superior to simple dosing with bulk K-R-ALA.

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Posted by: @trouble
Is this a slow release format product? If not, I would suggest you look into formulating a time-released version. Your website information doesn't indicate that it time release, although the XR designaton usually implies extended (time) release.

This attribute alone would make it superior to simple dosing with bulk K-R-ALA.

geronova makes a time-release KRALA, although I do remember something about KRALA having a longer halflife than ALA or R-ala in the body.

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I prefer GXR with the quercetin. Any chance of divulging the names of the analogues? If I pm'd you what I thought they were could you at least tell me if I am right?

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They're easy enough to uncover if you know where to look (somewhere really obvious).

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may soon be doing a pheraplex cycle, and have a bottle of GXR on me...wondering whether it would be an inefficient use of it on cycle or or whether there would be much benefit during PCT...

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For general anti-oxidant effect, yeah. But any parititoning effect will be seriously overshadowed by that of the androgen.

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def my first thoughts....just thinking though, when I used PP last and gained 17lbs, having to keep my cals and carbs high during PCT is when my waist began I thought that 'maybe' GXR would aid partioning during PCT

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It will help.

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I'm pretty much sold on GXR for anti-oxidant properties and as a free-radical scavenger while "on". I think it is also a must for PCT/post-cycle, because I'm eating high cals but not wanting to get fat when test levels are in the basement.

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thanks guys, in that case I'll be using it....for PCT I'll be using Rebound, LX, GXR and it's been a while since I used this many DS products. I was actually one of the first to do a log (not as a freebie tester) on GXR and LX when they first came out and loved them

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how muc R-ala is there in GXR per cap? I'm assuming 100mg as geronova says their KRALA is 40% RALA.

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Can it be taken after a meal or for maximum benefit should Glucophase XR be taken as directed 30 mins prior?
also @ 215lbs 15%+ Bf and lean bulking what dosage should i use per day? currently at 3x

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Posted by: @Dobermann
Can it be taken after a meal or for maximum benefit should Glucophase XR be taken as directed 30 mins prior?
also @ 215lbs 15%+ Bf and lean bulking what dosage should i use per day? currently at 3x

30 mins prior is ideal, but for the sake of practicality, you can take pretty much immediately before you eat and have the same effect.

x3/day with your largest carb meals is a great start.

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