Feedback On Appetit...
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Feedback On Appetite Increase From Activate+rebound?

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I decided to pick up 2 bottles of each to run a solid cycle to help me feel less fucked over/run down from work and lifting and to help me cut some fat.
And meh,after I just placed the order I looked into some logs a bit more and noticed a couple users reporting an increase in appetite.

Is this just coincidental or is this a likely side effect of the stack this a side from the mechanism of action of either of the products?

Sledge,TCS,Robboe or TP,some input please.

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Could be a bunch of reasons and i think it is user-dependant, because i have not had an issue with appetite on either or both.

If you're planning to cut up, just make sure you have a decent app-supp handy for when you need it. As i recall, you're hot for nicotine for this reason. As am i, it is great stuff.

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I'm on my final week of NHA stack.

I haven't noticed an increased urge to eat more, but more often instead.

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Not increased in appetite when I used them together.

You're probably just hungry. Or crazy.

Maybe both?

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Eminent Member
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I haven't exp'd any profound,ravenous hunger but I'm only 3 days into using the stack.I was concerned such could be a problekm after reading a NHA log.I did hpowever only read a whopping *2* logs so that isn't indictive of jack balls really.

However I am concerned so please for the sake of my curiosity as well as others,please keep the feedback coming.

I'll post my subjective comments in this thread after some more time has passed on the stack.
