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Another technique to drop water that is used (with and without diuretics) is water loading and depleting. Here was my schedule (for the USA's): Sunday:2gal h2o
Monday:3 gal h2o
Tuesday:4gal h2o
Wensday: 4 gal h2o
Thursday: 1 gal h2o and had it finished by about 6pm
Friday:1/2 liter h2o
SaturdayI was all fucked up but usually just sips...drink as much as you piss out)
Now here's where i fucked diuretic schedule:
I used diazides (50mg aldactone/25mg thiazide) for about a month prior to the show because the growth was causing serious water retention and I had photo shoots. I kept drinking atleast 1 1/2 gal of water a day at this time. The week of the show looked like this:
Sunday: 100mg aldactone in the am and one diazide (50/25) at night
Monday: same
Tuesday: same
Wensday: 100mg aldactone am diazide late morning and one thiazide (12.5mg) in the afternoon
Thursday: 100mg alcadtone twice in the am once in the afternoon one thiazide two hours after each aldactone then one before bed (totalling 4 (50/25) tabs for the day.
Friday: one diazide and one thiazide early am and then again late am.

Here we are out in the desert. I just made weight. We had just run to the Von's supermarket to pick up my carb-up food. I had a photo shoot at 1pm. I started feeling very dizzy and out of sorts as soon as we got to the gym (we were doing a training shoot..of course ). About 30 min into the shoot I was in the girls locker room throwing up. I came back out to try to finish out the hour. 15 minutes later I was running back in to the locker room to hurl again. All the carb-food and waterthat was in my stomach was now gone. I (finally) got back to the room and continued throwing up several more times (mostly just the water I was trying to get back body wouldn't even accept it) I hadn't urinated in several hours...probably since the morning. All I wanted to do was sleep and puke. I couldn't see straight...two of everything and all distorted. D and Tits looked so concerned and they would NOT let me fall asleep. I started cramping. Each episode lasted about 20 minutes. Both legs at a time , total abdomen, hands, feet, even my cheeks. Other friends that were staying at my hotel tried to help and even get me to carb up some. Afraid that I would look bloated from the food I decided (in my latered state) to use an enema. I shit and puked out everything that my body had till it was just heaves. At this point it was 8:30 am. Prejudging was at 9:30. D was shaking. Tits was spoon feeding me this anti-nausea medication that totally did the trick.D was trying to protan me as I kept falling down. We had to go. D pleaded w/ me to go to the hospital. I knew that there were paramedics at the show. I begged him to let me go..." if I drop they'll start an iv and pump me back up..they won't let me die" (ofcourse all of my veins had colapsed the ones that are usually huge and bulging were barely cat scratches at this point. I started guzzling gatorade as soon as I could. (I only urinated once from Fri am until now). The poor oil girl had sucha hard time getting me oiled up. My skin soaked in the stuff immediatley. She and another oil guy started spraying me down and stopped rubbing it in so that you could barely even see it. My skin was staying any way you rubbed it. The medics called it "tenting". I did my thing. I made middles. I smiled. It was awesome being on that stage with such caliper of competition. I knew in my heart that I could beat them all if I was on my game. I knew already that I only had next year to look foward to. I learned so much. I couldn't wait to get back to share my expierences.

The real kicker was that the aldactone is time released. I had 450mg of aldactone and 150mg of thiazide floating around my body taking off al at once. I also stopped drinking. With the diuretics I honestly don't believe you need to stop. If you saw me on'd know I had at least top 5 in the heavy's and I was still drinking water at that point. I totally flatened out. I felt so horrible. It was so not worth it. I learned and I hope anyone that reads this that competes does too.

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That sucks... you'll get em next time... let this be a lesson to all the other AZ that compete, that diuretics are not to be taken lightly...

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dam that really sucks DIESELGIRL.. well am glad you came out ok ...but like you said their is always next year boo will kick some ass next year keep the good work boo

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Good to know, sucks that you had to experience it though. I am going to try to get by on natural diuretics for my contest prep.

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Damn, that's scary. I'm glad your ok.

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DG look at this as a very valuable learning experience and an experience you can share with others. All that matters is that your alive and you can learn on what not to do for next years show. Big props for Titan and BuffD with sticking beside you throughout your whole ordeal. Hope to see kick some ass next year especially with the help you now have in your corner.

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It was pretty scary. She pulled through though. Next year will be different. I mean she was real bad. I couldn't even get her to have sex or anything! I mean DAMN! :boink 😀

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well first off I finally found where you two are hanging, what do you think your biggest mistake was? Being on diazides for a month or the thiazide and 450! mg of aldactone at the end? and also how would you suggest a male bb go about using diazides and aldactone leading up to the show? I only have experiance with aldactone...thank you as always...

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hey future! You can find us here and there you just won't find me EVERYWHERE 😉 (atleast not anymore). Anyway, I'm still doing lots of homework on the diuretic issue. I won't be using the Aldactone's anymore. I'm trying to get info on Demedex 1)how it works and 2)where the hell to find it...anyone who has any info I'd greatly appreciate it. The Demedex was very popular among the top competitors at the USA's so it's got my curiosity. I may give lasix a shot if that doesn't work. When is your show?

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lasix is worse than the shit you was taking dg.i know all my bros wont touch it anymore.bad cramping nausea the of my bros tried something new this year and was pleased with it,no sides.ill ask about it and get back to ya

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The woman has her shit together......

LMAO @ BuffD, only you bro.....

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From what I understand in the 2002 PDR, Demedex is a loop diuretic, acting on the kidneys by inhibiting water re-absorbtion via the sodium/chloride/potassium pump. This is similar to Lasix, in that it increases elimination of sodium and chloride in the urine, but it seems that it does not affect potassium as much and blood pH. Hope this all made sense. Dosage is 2.5-20mg.

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not till april, buffd was supposed to be doing it along side of me , but I am starting to round things (for precontest)up while I get my belongings for my GET BIG months 😀 anyways, just wondering b/c I'll have aldactones and diazides on hand...
