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Benson's Rebound Reloaded Log

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Now the larger question.

Did the RR increase your susceptibility to flu? IF you have muscle soreness - thats usually a sign of immune impairment, albeit not the same type of immune function.

I have wondered about this...seems like those using these steroid modulators consistantly reports muscle soreness and flu/cold type illness during use. Do you normally catch colds/flu? Was the flu/cold season unusually bad where you live, such that you would probably have come down with it anyway?

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Posted by: @trouble
Now the larger question.

Did the RR increase your susceptibility to flu? IF you have muscle soreness - thats usually a sign of immune impairment, albeit not the same type of immune function.

I have wondered about this...seems like those using these steroid modulators consistantly reports muscle soreness and flu/cold type illness during use. Do you normally catch colds/flu? Was the flu/cold season unusually bad where you live, such that you would probably have come down with it anyway?

Hard to say. Everyone around me currently has or has already had this one although I am normally fairly resistant to these things. What I can't get over is how damned good I feel in spite of it...

As for muscle soreness, its more tendon pain I think...right at the skeletal attachment points...

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Well I appear to have found the Reloaded 'sweet spot' for me at 3 caps per day. For the record, I am about 90kg endo, 15% BF +/-

At this dose, I feel consistently good, am sleeping very well, libido is high, I have lots of the alpha-male feelings and the negatives I have experienced thus far (drying out, joint/connective tissue pain, lethargy) seem to be either very minimal or certainly tolerable.

Motivation is good although I don't know that there is a direct impact on 'drive' per se but its hard not to want to work hard when you are feeling so good. Recovery seems pretty much normal. As reported earlier, I was getting persisting soreness at the point of muscle attachment but this seems to have subsided as I have adjusted the dose.

My sense of smell is MIA due to my head cold so I can't confirm the continued change in body odor. Wife isn't complaining so it must not be too bad. I've also not heard any comments from her that can help confirm S8's pheremone conjecture, however (and that would have been so damned handy too).

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Twin Peak
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Posted by: @Benson
Hard to say. Everyone around me currently has or has already had this one although I am normally fairly resistant to these things. What I can't get over is how damned good I feel in spite of it...

As for muscle soreness, its more tendon pain I think...right at the skeletal attachment points...

I am sick, my whole family is sick. Half the people I know are sick. None of them are on RR.

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Well I am wrapping up this trial.

Overall, I liked Reloaded. It gave some clear indications of estrogen supression without killing off my libido and/or drying me out ala ATD. In general, it felt more like formestane than either 6-OXO or ATD.

It does seem to be diuretic and this may be the contributing factor to the intense lethargy I felt for a few days. Adjustment to my water intake and taking the dosage down mitigated this effect.

Effects on mood are very excellent. Despite a wicked head cold during the last week, I felt absolutely fantastic. Very upbeat and "on" especially once I reduced the dosage to 3 caps a day.

In terms of recovery and strength, nothing dramatic there to report. I was more motivated which was a plus and I felt good but I don't know that I was any stronger or recovered any better. I did experience some joint soreness, especially in my knees and also in weird places like in the seratus(?) muscles between my ribs.

In general, thumbs up, especially if bloodwork shows that it does a decent job of E supression. I'd like to thank Robboe and DS for letting me be part of this trial and am happy to play wistar rat again for you in the future.

Quis nos es non potens ut muto, nos es postulo perfero. Illegitimis non carborundum!

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Nice work.

What dose formestane would you typical run with?

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Posted by: @Robboe
Nice work.

What dose formestane would you typical run with?

50mg transdermal was excellent. IIRC, I was using 2-300mg +/- orally.

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Any idea of the % for oral bioavailability with formestane?

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Posted by: @Robboe
Any idea of the % for oral bioavailability with formestane?

Not so good although as I recall, estrogen supression kind of peaks at a dose of 250mg/day. I think you can take more in order to get more 4-OHT if you are looking for something more than just E supression.

Quis nos es non potens ut muto, nos es postulo perfero. Illegitimis non carborundum!

Twin Peak
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Good detail, nice insights. Thanks Benson.

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