Benson's Rebound Re...
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Benson's Rebound Reloaded Log

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So I have started with the RR beta. The dosage is five caps/day and I have decided to split this three with breakfast and two with dinner.

I am on a fairly low carb diet (<50g/day) and cutting so calories are a little below maintenance.

Other supps I am taking regularly:

Men's Formula Multi
TR Vitamin C 1.5g bid
Vitamin D 1000 IU
Fish oil 3 caps bid
TR B-50 complex bid
Multi-mineral bid
Forslean bid
81 mg aspirin
30mg Zn/300mcg Cu EOD

Going to add 1mg subligual B12 before bed once it arrives.

1 AMP on occasion.

My previous experience with AIs include formestane, 6-OXO and ATD. I like formestane a lot, 6-OXO and ATD killed my libido fairly quickly and ATD dried me out badly, including giving me wicked dry mouth.

No health complaints to speak of, sleep is generally good at the moment, energy levels a little lower than I would like in the evenings but I am chocking this up to the season and heavy work load. Mood has been overall good.

Quis nos es non potens ut muto, nos es postulo perfero. Illegitimis non carborundum!

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Nice start.

You don't have to log workouts, but please comment for any effects on strength, recovery, how you look etc.

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Nothing dramatic to report except some developing joint soreness, especially in my knees. Mood is good but I don't yet have the same "on" feeling I get from formestane.

Quis nos es non potens ut muto, nos es postulo perfero. Illegitimis non carborundum!

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How long does it usually take you to "notice" formestane?

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robboe this definetely isn't the place to ask this, but I am lazy; hence, this post is here. Does rebound reloaded contain ATD or is it a completely new (to the bb-ing world, or otherwise) AI?

I am watching this log with interest.

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I start noticing the effects of formestane usually after three of four days. When I last used it I was doing a transdermal with DHEA and that mix really kicked in on day three as I recall...

Whatever RR is, it does not feel like ATD which, among other things, gave me a wicked dry mouth although I have no idea what the dosage is in this case so that may have some impact. Subjectively, this stuff reminds me more of 6-OXO minus the rapid libido kill.

I slept extremely well last night, better than I have in some time and my mood is good. Nothing so dramatic that I can attribute it to RR at this point but no apparent negatives either.

Quis nos es non potens ut muto, nos es postulo perfero. Illegitimis non carborundum!

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Good stuff. I'm particularly interested in how this affects your joints and libido.

If someone says something about you, and it really bothers you, it's probably because it's true.

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Posted by: @RepubCarrier
robboe this definetely isn't the place to ask this, but I am lazy; hence, this post is here. Does rebound reloaded contain ATD or is it a completely new (to the bb-ing world, or otherwise) AI?

I am watching this log with interest.

No ATD, no.

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Posted by: @Benson
I slept extremely well last night, better than I have in some time and my mood is good. Nothing so dramatic that I can attribute it to RR at this point but no apparent negatives either.

Good to hear, I'm waiting for an AI that doesn't carry many unwanted sides. Perhaps that is the nature of the beast though, especially if you are very sensitive to AI's like myself.

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Estrogen does seem to play a large role in libido, so some people may still be effected, but overall, we are expecting no significant drops in libido a la ATD (likely due to the anti-androgen effect in the brain).

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So today I woke up feeling pretty damned good...cocky and ready to take on the world. Knees are sore but its tolerable...libido is unaffected, if anything is up. Starting to feel more like formestane now, may also be a diuretic efffect at work but I can't say for sure yet.

Quis nos es non potens ut muto, nos es postulo perfero. Illegitimis non carborundum!

Twin Peak
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Posted by: @Benson
So today I woke up feeling pretty damned good...cocky and ready to take on the world. Knees are sore but its tolerable...libido is unaffected, if anything is up. Starting to feel more like formestane now, may also be a diuretic efffect at work but I can't say for sure yet.

Interesting. I felt very "alpha male" while on, all I wanted to do in the gym was lift heavy.

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Benson. Why are you taking aspirin instead of curcumin (I presume this is to offset joint pain)? Why no glucosamine?

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How long will you be running this for?

If someone says something about you, and it really bothers you, it's probably because it's true.

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Posted by: @trouble
Benson. Why are you taking aspirin instead of curcumin (I presume this is to offset joint pain)? Why no glucosamine?

Not for pain, just as general systemic anti-inflamatory and antioxidant. Aspirin metabolites inhibit cholesterol oxidation and generally mix well with vitamin C, especially in terms of mucosal health in the gut....there is potential for negative effects on the kidney I know but I think on balance its not a bad addition at low doses.

Quis nos es non potens ut muto, nos es postulo perfero. Illegitimis non carborundum!

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