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Attitude from SAN

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I took this supplement and definately got harder, leaner, and felt my recovery times were good. Definately better than Tribulus products from my experience. And cheaper too, depending on where you shop. I took two bottles for 40 days leading up to showtime. Worth a try!

Attitude by SAN
Eradicate Estrogen
Attitude Is Now, Finally Available In The U.S. For The First Time.
Attitude was specifically designed to increase Testosterone levels from within the body, without raising Estrogen in the process. The bad side effects associated with elevated test levels are not due to testosterone elevation, but rather to the resultant elevation of estrogen levels. Until now it was extremely difficult, damn near impossible, to prevent estrogen levels from increasing when test levels were elevated... but those days are over.
Attitude contains the industry hottest compounds known by their acronyms ATD, 3-OHAT & UD. Together these compounds work synergistically to block testosterone from converting into estrogens and also by down regulating Serum Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) thereby causing an immediate release of FREE (unbound) T in the body.

ATD is an extremely effective inhibitor of the aromatase enzyme, and as such eliminates the production of estrogen in the body. This effect is usually felt within the first 10 days by a concomitant increase in testosterone production and overall feeling of well-being. ATD makes an excellent companion while using heavy prohormone or synthetic cycles by minimizing estrogenic side effects. ATD, on its own, raises endogenous (produced by the body) levels of testosterone by controlling the aromatase enzyme.

3-OHAT is characterized as a competitive and irreversible inhibitor of aromatase. What this means is that once it latches on to the aromatase enzyme it permanently deactivates it and therefore causes the rapid clearance of estrogen from the body. In a nutshell, 3-OHAT finishes the job that ATD started by eliminating the last couple of aromatase enzymes that were able to escape ATD's powerful estrogen destroying action.

Ever heard of AndrosteneTrione (4-Androstene-3, 6,17-trione or AT for short). Well, 3-OHAT is basically the active metabolite of AT that causes the phenomenal effects of this compound. And by cutting out the middleman SAN was able to assemble a ‘seek and destroy' mechanism at only 1/10th of the regular AT dose. If this wasn't enough already, the half-life of 3-OHAT was documented to be greater than AT thus allowing greater efficiency at only one daily serving. What's even more exciting about 3-OHAT is that it increases HPTA (Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Testes-Axis) activity therefore stimulating testosterone from a second and independent mechanism outside that of ATD. You are essentially getting the best of both worlds with Attitude.

Everything sounds fine and dandy, but how does this all translate in the real world? Studies conducted on 8 heavy resistance-training athletes were recently performed and the outcome was nothing short of extraordinary. The average increase in bioavailable testosterone was in excess of 400%, while estrogen levels were reduced by a whopping 45%. Not too shabby for something over-the-counter. These are remarkable results and translate into almost limitless potential muscle and strength gains while using Attitude.

Now with testosterone levels literally flooding your system, what can you do to keep things elevated and unbound by SHBG? Meet UT (Urtica Dioica)!! UT is a newly discovered western compound that has been proven to down regulate SHBG, therefore keeping the ATD and 3-OHAT elevated testosterone levels ‘FREE' and ‘UNBOUND' from this binding glycoprotein. Usually SHBG would attach and bind to test, rendering it useless. UT prevents this from happening so the testosterone is able to effectively enhance strength levels and muscle mass. In order to fully reap T's effects we need it to be unbound and free. So there you have it, a trio of testosterone triggering action all waiting to transform your body into a shocking combination of shredded muscularity and incredible power.

Estimable Member
Joined: 3 years ago
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So is this a pro hormone? Sure sounds like it and any product here in the USA that raises your test levels like this claims will be if it's not allready on the ban list!

Eminent Member
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So is this a pro hormone? Sure sounds like it and any product here in the USA that raises your test levels like this claims will be if it's not allready on the ban list!
Usually pro-hormone type products reflect a higher price than this one. I think it is more similar to an over the counter pct product. Although it looks like it may have a couple of designer substances in it I don't think this one will be banned. I mean look at DHEA and 7-keto,(even though they're not designer) they never made the list, even though we all know these products don't work too well.

Don't let the excitement that the article tries to stir up trick you into thinking it is a miracle supplement because we are smarter than that. I will vouch though that for those of you who have experimented with Tribulus products with some satisfaction, this product is worth a try. I liked it better than Tribulus. And while I was also puting the effort forth to lean out I do feel it helped harden me up while sparing my muscle.
