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Topic starter legit supplier Supplier is by far the best website I've ever used to purchase gear. I started using them roughly two years ago to be specific and i always go for the Kalpa products. I've tried a lot of different gear over the years but i must say Kalpa takes the cake and I have multiple friends that I've also shown it to and they are in love with the results of their products. This is the only place i will ever go for my gear again.

Anytime i have any sort of question i go on the contact page and it seems to be taken care of in a very timely manner. Also, there was a time when a package went to the wrong address, even though my address was written down and they reshipped out my products. Very reliable and very phenomenal support.

Products have always gotten to me within 2 weeks once it has been shipped, sometimes even quicker. I have absolutely no complaints in any way when it comes to the discreetness of the packaging or arrival time. It's all around wonderful.

The Kalpa Sust aswell as Tren are my all-time favorites, all products i've ever ordered from this site were wonderful I just seem to favor the Sust and Tren the most.

Last cycle i was running Test E at 1cc EoD and Tren Ace at 1cc EoD. I got my blood levels checked about 7-8 weeks in and my test came back at just slightly over 3500. These products work. End of story i would only recommend going through and using Kalpa gear. I also have many friends that can contest to the fact that this is the best stuff out there.

Lastly the Dbol is SPOT ON. For some reason it seems as if 5 days to a week of running Dbol. I manage to put on 5 pounds without changing my diet up the slightest and it only goes up from there. I must say that i do prefer the oral over the injectable that the website has to offer, it seems that the injectable starts making me have appetite problems and slight nausea while the orals don't really have that effect on me. is the only website for me, me and my friends love the products that has to offer and I will never go anywhere else for my needs. I highly recommend this website and using the Kalpa products. I've spent thousands of dollars on the website and am about to place a $1100 order within a few days. I'm very excited to see what this next cycle is gonna do for my physique.

ersatz, kreece, luckylondon and 20 people reacted
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This is my 2nd order with Went just as smooth with the first. Good customer service and communication. Package was good to go and nothing was damaged and arrived sooner than expected. Been on this cycle for about a month and everything is 100% legit, everything is Sciroxx. Will continue to order from them and recommend them to anyone!

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When it comes to ordering overseas it's always a crapshoot with customs, but considering how much business they do it seems like they have as best a track record as possible.

Coming from the other side of the planet, and I can track it, gotta love it.

Packaging was good but I don't make big orders that make custom agents wonder what's inside.

The oral tren is no joke.The strength kicks in first day but after a week it got really dry,so it needs to be ran with something wet. Dianabol seems to do just fine for that. I took the oral tren up to 1mg a day,I think 750mcg was perfect for my weight,and I stay around 230.As far as the insulin,better do plenty of research and stick to the fast acting stuff for short periods of time. is the undisputed champ when it come to selection and reliability

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i wanted to write this review because i was so impressed with my order.

I ordered items listed and received everything but viagra. I wasn't worried about that it was such a small amount of the order. But came through by shipping the viagra later without me having to tell them about it . It probably cost more shipping for them than it was worth. but thank you

great communication. Any question i have responds

package perfect shape as always

2 x BD Methanabol 10 (dianabol)

3 x BD Testabol Enanth 250

1 x Viagra capsules 50 mg

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Posts: 8 is my only supplier of products. Pricing is best in the industry and if your worried about your order DONT. At your door in aprox 2 weeks. The quality is great and the selections are above all. They are front runners of the market and i would buy from no other. Being in my mid 50's i've learned alot over the years on who to buy from and is your store.

Support was wonderful and very fast on any questions asked of them.

The packages were very secure and made to make products safe for delivery in a very plain setting.

anadrol 50, prop 100, sus 250 winny 50, tren 200 and bold 200

100mg prop per day along with 400mg bold per week with 50mg anadrol for 6 weeks in middle of this 20 week cycle. Starting 100mg per day prop now with 100mg of winny 8 weeks with 400mg bold also.

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Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 77 has always delivered on time and made sure everything was great.

Never once has let me down, they have great means of communications from the dedicated URL to quick email response times.

They are always quick to respond to any questions. Usually within 24 hrs depending on the day. To make a long story short, excellent communication.

Packages are always discreet and well packed to protect the product. Really professional.

  • 6 x KP Trenboxyl Acetate 100
  • 6 x KP Testoxyl Prop 100
  • 3 x KP Clenbutacyl (clenbuterol)
  • 1 x KP Arimixyl (Arimidex)
  • 1 x Finasteride (Propecia)
  • 1 x Brand Cabaser 1mg
  • 4 x Brand HCG Inj 5000iu
  • 3 x Cialis 20 mg
  • 1 x Cialis Super Active 20mg

Great quallity, gained 14 kilograms with the tren a test prop cycle. Cialis got my weener rock hard after my cycle. It's all the real deal and top notch quallity.

Lifetime customer.

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I have been ordering products online for the past 10 years with varying results until I found I have placed 4 orders with and everyone was received within 2 weeks in discreet secure packages. Most importantly, they all worked as promised. The Kalpatropin HGH made my fingers numb and eventually leaned out my stomach. The Test-Cyp by Kalpa gave nice size gain (with a little acne) . The DP anavar at 40mg day is giving me insane pumps-(hard to wash my hair). They will always get my order. Thanks

They answered all my questions quickly and clearly. The order center clearly tells you what the status of your order is at all times. One of my Test-Cyp had crystallized and they offered to send a new one but I heated it up and it worked just fine.

All packages were secure and very discreet. All shipments appeared at my mailbox within 2 weeks of my money being picked up.

Kalpatropin and Genotrop felt about the same. After a week felt numbness in feet and hands and at first felt lethargic. Started at 2iu day for 1 month and titrated up to 6iu. been cruising there for 6 months. Biggest change was in my abs. Def started leaning out w/o any diet changes. The combination of Test Cyp and Anavar is one of my Favorites. The Test- Cyp at 400mg week and Anavar at 40mg day gives me very hard lean look which is amazing in that I am 54 years old. I ran the HGH for 6 months to see how it worked alone and it did produce some leaning out and my skin looked "fresher" but the big changes started when I added in the Test and Anavar. My muscles have a new thickness and cuts I never had in my 20's. I can't wait to get to the gym. Also, my libido is off the charts. Very mild sides from HGH-numbness in extremities and some headaches early on that went away. The test cyp had nop pip and occasional acne. The biggest prob with the DP Anavar was insane pumps. orgasmic.

Excellent prices, decent delivery time and most importantly REAL products. Highly Recommend.

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Just wanted to get this review up as I just finished up my cycle and wanted to share my experience

Communication was great and was always there to let me know what was going on with my orders. Always cool, calm and collected 🙂

Shipping was fast and without issue and the package was very secure and discrete. Everything arrived as promised

This review is only for the test P, tren A, and TNE. Just finished up a nice lil 8 week cycle on 450 testP and 450 trenA a week and I used the TNE usually 1-2 times a week preworkout, especially on leg days ;). I felt that on/alpha feeling after 2-3 days and it only got better from there. Tren sides were only noticed the first week or so (night sweats, insomnia, crazy dreams) but, after that I was gtg. Strength gains and focus in the gym were on point and the pumps were insane, especially with the TNE.

All in all I put on about 13 lbs and am leaner and more vascular then when I started. I am very happy with these results I can't wait to give his other products a whirl.

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Recently finished my first cycle ordered from, and everything worked great. Couldn't ask for more from a supplier.

The staff was helpful when I had questions about products and shipping.

Packaging was discreet and I received them without issue.

Kalpa Test C 250

Kalpa Boldaxyl 300

Kalpa Arimixyl

Kalpa Clomixyl

FertiGyn HCG 5000


Products were very high quality, as always with Kalpa. 500mg of Test C a week for 12 weeks and 500mg a week of Boldaxyl for 10 weeks.

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Amazing 1st experience EVER ordering gear. Before I ordered I made sure to chat with their help support, it was instant chatting and the support was top notch. Everything was figured out and I knew I wanted to order with them. So I placed a big order, and had everything through to them by the 19th. Funds picked up on the 25th, goods at my door 2 weeks later. That's SUPPER FAST considering it went across the pond! I am highly impressed. The goods so far have been great as well. Quality at a crazy price, I couldn't be happier and will shop here more for sure!

Ordering was simple. Click and add quantity. As far as communication it was perfect. Help before I bought, they kept my order updated where it was in the shipment process and I knew the day it showed up on my doorstep.

Delivery was quick and simple as well. Packaging was discrete and packed ridiculously well. All orals bought and NOT ONE was broke.

The clen has got me sweating with the T3. Awesome quality. The Anadrol has been my first time using, but so far its EVERYTHING I expected and more. Strength through the roof and lean looking still, I'm guessing from the aromasin. Great gear guys!

Thanks a ton for the best first experience I could have imagined. I'm a member for life now!

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This is my second review for TESTOSTERONE.TO I have order more than 4 times in the past year. My last cycle was 20 weeks I was experimenting with different gear to see what affects I would get. This review is about the last order I received.

BD Test Cyp 500mg 2x EW

BD Dbol 50mg 1x ED

BD Deca 500mg 2x EW

BD Proviron 25mg 1x ED

Communication with TESTOSTERONE.TO is outstanding if you have a questions, and I had a few, they answer within 48 hours of your post. On their web site they have a Q&A section all questions are answer quickly and complete.

Every package I received was top quality, good packaging and very discreet. I never had an order take more than 2 weeks from being paid to received.

5 bootles BD Test Cyp 500mg 2x EW

10 packs BD Dbol 50mg 1x ED

5 bottles BD Deca 250mg 2x EW

20 packs BD Proviron 25mg 1x ED Other orders: All BD products Test Ethan, Var, Tren, NPP and Winny. I don't PCT I am TRT for life.

I have never had bad quality from TESTOSTERONE.TO some products work better for me than others but all of them do their job well. What I like about BD is the oils, good quality no stings or soreness after injections. You will never go wrong with TESTOSTERONE.TO products and service.

Good job TESTOSTERONE.TO I like the weekly specials as well. Keep up the great service. Next order HGH and Peptides!

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Posts: 19

What can I say about that hasn't been already said? Great prices, high quality gear, fast ship, professional communication.

I've had a couple of bumps with previous orders and they always did the right thing. Communication is top. Support is rock solid. Most orders have gone off without a hitch.

Packaging is solid and I've never had any issues with seizures or breakage.

Quality is always tops. I regularly get bloods done and they don't like. Testosterone, Serum >1500 HIGH

Insulin-Like Growth Factor I 633 HIGH

I would never shop any where else again.

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I ordered twice from them, at first was not sure about ordering online but everything came as expected, all though I hated waiting 2 weeks that's the mails fault lol. Ordered sus 270, t3, clen, Dbol, and clomid- must say the quality is pretty darn good, clean, well packaged, nothing was missing or damaged. Will order again soon.

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Posts: 10

Have made two orders with and all I can say is they are definately legit! Their selection and prices are ridiculous and Dragon Pharma products are hot fire! Have been using Dragon Pharma winstrol 10 tabs with teen enanthate and Dragon Pharma test 270....I have gained 7lbs of solid mass while losing 3% BF in 5 weeks. Mind you Im already 6'2'' 225 9% BF. is definately the place to go for all your quality gear need at prices you wont find anywhere else

Great tracking system built into their website that lets you know in realtime where your product is at. WU was picked up within 2 days of payment

Received my order in 2 weeks from time of placing my order on the website. At least a week ahead of schedule!! Awesome T/A

2x DP Winstrol 10 tabs

1x DP t3

4x DP Masteron 200

10 x Cialis professional

Dragon Pharma products are gtg and super high quality...The masteron is already kicking in and Im getting hard a rock!! Legs look like a roadmap!

Look no is your dude....Just order and get to your goal....period

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Overall this place has given me the best experience with buying online. They have some of the best prices and for sure the widest selection of products and labs. I found them about a year and a half ago and I have used them since. is great and I will continue my business with them.

Any emails I sent were replyed to within about 24 hours. Very helpful when you have questions about anything.

Package came earlier than quoted. Everything came packaged neatly and organized. I have recieved about 5 orders from them and never had any damaged or missing products.

Very good quality. Great selection of labs and their line. Test P - Ran with tren A, great cycle. Their line was cheaper so I tried it and was satisfied completely.

Tren A - Good quality, 10 weeks. Solid gains

Test E - Ran a 12 week cycle with Tren E. Once again great cycle.

Tren E - Great gains and loved the infrequent injections

HGH - Great, first and only time I've ran it. But amazing results. About 40 weeks.

clomid - every pct. Worked great

nolvadex - every pct. Worked great

arimidex - great, prevented any sides

viagra - WORKS!

Sustanon 250 - Good blend, ran it for 12 weeks

After seeing good reviews on them I figured I'd give them a try, I havent ordered from anywhere else since. Good to go!

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