DRAGONPHARMA.NET is the best. I love their assortment and their prices can't be beat. I was a little hesitant to order because I didn't want to wait months on an international order, but my package came in a very reasonable amount of time. The product is top notch, and I am getting great results. I definitely recommend DP,and will be ordering again soon!
I contacted customer support only once to insure that there were no issues after payment had been received. There was a couple days of down time between the time payment was picked up and the time that the package shipped, so I wanted to confirm that everything was good to go. Customer support responded promptly (same day) to inform me that all was well, and that my package would be shipped within the next couple of days.
Packaging was discreet and effective. Shipping time was very reasonable. 26 days from the day I paid until it landed on my doorstep.
- 3 X Dragon Pharma Sustanon 270
- 5 x Dragon Pharma NPP 150
I was hesitant to try Dragon Pharma, because I have always been a fan of Kalpa, but at the advice of a buddy I gave it a shot. This stuff is fire! Very potent!. I began my cycle running 700mg of sust a week and 600mg of NPP. I am not prone to gyno, so I didn't have anything on hand to combat side effects. Within 3 weeks I had began developing knots under my nipples. I decreased my dosages to 500mg/week of sust 300mg/week of NPP. My body seems to prefer this dosage. The gyno hasn't gone away, but it hasn't gotten any worse. I have been on these products for 6 weeks and have gained 10 lbs with a slight decrease in bf% as well. I plan on running for another 10 weeks. I am growing, and my strength is increasing every week. Love this stuff from Dragon Pharma. If you're curious and are hesitant to give it a shot; don't be! This stuff is good to go!
As I stated above, this stuff is very potent. I would recommend having some arimidex or aromasin on hand. That was a mistake I will not make in the future. Also, I feel I should let people know that there is some pip associated with these products. Although the oil is thin and smooth, and the injections are painless, there is definitely some soreness the next couple days. It's nothing that the average Joe can't handle though. I highly recommend both of these products.
Ive orded from dragonpharma.net many many many times and every time has been nothing but the best even the one time thing got mixed up at the post office he 'resent every with no problem. just a great place to shop u know our going to get ur stuff that u paid for
It took about 2 week so not to bad for overseas
12 sust 270
The sust is top notch cant get much better . I ran it 3 cc a week and loved the stuff and I did that for about 12 week
U have to try them out u won't regret it
This my second time using dragonpharma.net easy smooth process
Lighting fast response to messages never had to wait longer than 24 hours
Package arrived quickly in about week securely wrapped no complaints
M1T - this was my first time ever running m1t this steroid is hhighly anabolic after 3 days my pumps were skin splitting huge put an easy 10lbs on in 10 days on clean diet strength went up a decent amount nothing crazy tho but with steroid its all about the pump
All in all I love m1t I would probably choose it over dbol i couldn't run it longer than 2 weeks at 20mg my urine went dark brown an my appetite went down drastically
Review for DP Proviron, After hearing all the talk about Dragon Pharma I wanted to place a small order and give them a try, so far not disapointed with my order.
I ordered, received confirmation, and it was on its way. I don't believe in constantly emailing or sending messages until AFTER the delivery window because it is worthless to do so.
T/A was good for IL, 20 days but part of the reason was not on his end but on this side of the pond. Last few orders were always within 14 days. Packaging was great especially the inclusion of original packaging of the product
I only had 1 other Proviron and it was Bayer so to compare the 2 was easy, I felt no difference from the Pharma grade and switching to this brand. Libido stayed consistent, muscles stay harder and feel fuller. Not sure how much I like the stiff feeling but it looks impressive.
I only take anywhere from 25-50 depending as I like to vary doses.
I just placed my first order to test the water...:paddle:
I just placed my first order to test the water...:paddle:
well you picked the right place my friend, get your pins fast, cause mine showed up b4 i got'em, this guy is fast bro, youll see, theres no dust on these guys, im staying w/ this crew, enjoy bro
hahahaha, remember this post ranman ? 7 months ago haha hey dd did i stay with this crew or what, haha, we all did !!
Doing a little reminissing bonez...lol
Doing a little reminissing bonez...lol
hahaha, you called it my man, lol
I just ordered some more Test E.And it landed Sat.MLG is off the hook.This is my go to source
I just ordered some more Test E.And it landed Sat.MLG is off the hook.This is my go to source
you aint kidding either man, you been here since the forum developed, and been with us eversince. nice to see you still here.