Last seen: Dec 16, 2022
I have no idea what you're talking about.. You totally lost me...Hey, no one has a clue what hes talking about,i dont think he does either
I guess i worded it a little wrong.I know i will put on weight with more mass,but im trying to avoid putting on fat if i do take a weight gainer.Yea y...
Anadrol i wish you gave me this info before,you just told me about the leusea seed,no biggy though i'll try it.Thanks bro!
ive taken that stuff right before working out,it pumps you up and you get a great workout but makes me fart alot and cant sleep at night at all
KP Test E 250 - High quality and top shelf no words except for OUTSTANDING huge strength increase appetite increase all lifts have increased proof tha...
I come into similar situations with the many wrestlers that I work with, especially when we get down to <8% BF. This is why I am so excited about L...
Posted by: @zachattack43 i wonder if black star labs will carry it. Where can i get some caps? what size caps should i get and how much AKG should i a...