Estimable Member
Joined: Feb 23, 2022
Last seen: Dec 24, 2022
Topics: 4 / Replies: 235
RE: Aspartame

as an aside......there is a new sweetener called, Splenda. Comes in a yellow box/ yellow packets. It is a natural no cal. sweetener made from sugar. T...

2 years ago
RE: Biceps...need help please

Good advice by swolled up on the concentrating on the lifting not how much...On the site injections.... Well, that is a topic of numerous other thread...

2 years ago
RE: Biceps...need help please

You cannot target fat loss. 100% agree. It is a fact, except for possible gh site injections, or beta 2 antagonists, which target sites of storage in ...

2 years ago
RE: Biceps...need help please

New Ideas are always good.... Feel free to send any along.As for the workout I suggested, it may be just what the doctor ordered... I do think you are...

2 years ago
RE: Biceps...need help please

I follow many of the training philosophies of Dorian Yates... From what you just told me, I think you are overtraining your biceps. I would recommend ...

2 years ago
RE: Biceps...need help please

How many sets and reps for those excercises? What else do you train that day if anything? How many times per week to you train biceps? Do you go to fa...

2 years ago
RE: Post your favorite Lat workouts.

Therefore, I think it needs to be treated as such. The back has numerous muscle groups, is 1/2 your upper body mass, and needs to be hit from multiple...

2 years ago
RE: post workout drink

I used to drink Myoplex Deluxe. I was told by a pro to try the Max Muscle. He said no matter what pro endorses what, most if not all use max muscle pr...

2 years ago
RE: post workout drink

I guess I'm not following you... I take a meal replacement shake post work out. The protein is already broken down, so it is more readily usable by yo...

2 years ago
RE: multi vitamin/ iron

Bubba, you really need to start running searches rather than post a question for anything that pops into your head... There are numerous threads on ju...

2 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 336
RE: Eating...

I'll bump that on over to my newbies post... Even if you've been training and had good nutrition for a long time, it is still good to keep a journal t...

2 years ago
RE: New Guy

Welcome, glad to have ya hear. Lots of great people and info!

2 years ago
Replies: 9
Views: 604
RE: New Forum leader/Mod

DIESELGIRL, glad you accepted our invitation to be part of the freakz team! You are indeed a huge asset to any board you are a member of! I hope our f...

2 years ago
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