Last seen: Dec 12, 2022
The info came from a pharmacist buddy of mine. He's been in the game for a while and has plenty of first hand experience... before he decided to becom...
Actually, it's the high level of BA used to convert that fina that you're tasting and that gives you that cough. If you just put it in the muscle... i...
Yeah... I'm runnin T400 so it's basically cyp/enanthate. I've never really done the whole frontloading thing and figured that I'd give it a go. It's a...
I say go with sumpin like this:week 1-10 cyp 200mg/wkweek 1-10 sust 250mg/wkweek 1-6 deca 400mg/wkJust throw a few halos in there before you go to lif...
Yeah... you're gonna have to tell us how many milligrams of each one you have. We don't have much to go off of right now. That's like saying, I got so...
Yeah... but I'll bet those guys aren't in their 40's or 50's as of yet are they?
Yeah... not sure where the NPP thing came in... but while where at it.if we were going to link NPP to another drug it would have to be Deca. Dura is f...
Really, with the halflife what it is you should ideally stop that a bit sooner than the shorter acting gear. Deca dick is one concern, but only one of...
...not to mention cutting down on injection volume which is always nice.Anyway, I say forget about tapering. Run the dosages straight through. Also, d...
Being that clomid isn't a scheduled drug, in the US it's legal for import. Hell, most forein sources will just package the clomid and all by itself an...
:lol lol. That's great TS.Steve, there's no need to be subtle or to candy coat your questions on this board. On WBB, maybe. Here... just be blunt. Any...
Originally posted by iceski has anyone heard of people taking a 10ml bottle of sust250 and adding 50mg more of test prop 2 it and if im doing a 10 wee...
Well if the whole getting old and test levels dropping thing is negated by the "permanent" gains that would be made of this magical drug.... hell I'd ...
The increase in test levels would be negated by an increase in production of inhibitory factors (transforming growth factor TGF-beta) and decrease in ...