Trusted Member
Joined: Mar 18, 2022
Last seen: Dec 12, 2022
Topics: 3 / Replies: 62
RE: first cycle: Test-E: PCT and aromatase control ???

DBolMan was right on (except the whole estrogen rebound thing actually existing... but that's not the point).P4P, the halflife of enanthate is slightl...

2 years ago
RE: need advice from primo only users.

Hmm. The lab results I've seen show that a single injection of primo at 200mg is enough to damn near shut ya down... and test levels don't completely ...

2 years ago
RE: good place to purchase ephedra?

Shouldn't this be in the supps or resources forum?

2 years ago
RE: Joint pain

I'm just fuckin with ya. ;)

2 years ago
RE: Joint pain

cortizone only does that after many injections, so dont worry it helps a lot if you need it. And deca may do that but I think you would also need a lo...

2 years ago
RE: Joint pain

I dunno... you should probably get it looked at. Since you notice the pain when doin BB presses, but not DB presses... my guess is the problem is your...

2 years ago
RE: Joint pain

That's because It work the same way by blocking those cortizoid receptors. I'm not a big fan of deca for that reason. It works great for some, but peo...

2 years ago
RE: 15 y/o. 120lbs. 5'4".

More specifically (for your information)You can try to raise your heels on a 25# plate or a 2x4, this will allow you to stay more upright, but will de...

2 years ago
RE: does anadrol stack well with eq?

The drol doesn't seem to leave me holding much water at all. I guess I lucked out. I ran a very similar cycle last fall and that worked out very well ...

2 years ago
RE: Testosterone Decanoate? What is it?

Yeah, like SouthPaw said... it's just test like any other... just a longer ester. It's got a halflife of 17 days or something. It's a good compliment ...

3 years ago
RE: how long does enanthate and EQ remain detectable in the body?

Another thing to keep in mind is that they may test for things like HCG and clomid as well. I can't recall the detection time for HCG. Clomid has a ha...

3 years ago
RE: Primo vs Test/Liquidex

Just because primo isn't as strong as test doesn't make it useless. It's just one more tool we've got available to us. Primo is good clean human-grade...

3 years ago
RE: 2 things i gotta say about Fina!!

oh yeah, if Tren has a high binding affinity for the AR, but a low affinity for the PR... it would spend more time at the AR. Granted that study you s...

3 years ago
RE: 2 things i gotta say about Fina!!

Calm down there. Actually I rather enjoy discussing this stuff with Dizzy. Usually I get a little miffed when someone disagrees, but I like Dizzy cuz ...

3 years ago
RE: 2 things i gotta say about Fina!!

Yeah, buff brings up a few other good points. Tren has a high binding affinity to the AR... and this would further eliminate problems at the PR.

3 years ago
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