Last seen: Dec 23, 2022
Man Titaniumspine,Do you have any idea how much I charge to give out the information that you just tossed on the table??? You are the man! That's why ...
Open can of tuna.Eat it.
lol, someone sounds like he's on way too much test.No such thing!
how about u just go with us next time and see for yourself! i do have plenty of private dances she has gotten on my cell phone camera.We have a winner...
lol....we have had PLENTY of fun like that...she's bi so im very very very happy with her. we also spend a lot to of time at strip clubs. :boobsI beli...
i guess im gonna have to cut down on the boob squeezing then.Or get some help. hint hint
Does she have to speak at all?
and you should squeeze her boobs two or three times a day too.
yeah ive been thinking of having her work out her legs with me and then again by herself cause i only work legs once a week. so is she suppose to be l...
Even the glute machine works nicely.As does my tongue! Woo hoo!!! :boobs
build up her glute muscles not fat. thats what a nice ass is made of.my wifes been working out with me for a little while now and is devloping a cute ...
Hell yes she can. The girl needs to be doing squats! From what you've said she loses fat easy. If I were training her I would not be focused on cardio...
Check your dates g_rock. This thread is over a year old. And DMSO sucks by the way.
Leaving you with only a toe stem.
It's the lengthening of your middle toe.