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Joined: Sep 3, 2020
Last seen: Feb 21, 2022
Topics: 3 / Replies: 90
RE: The purpose of this forum

thanks brother man! Given anymore thought to what we discussed last time on AIM?

4 years ago
Replies: 8
Views: 2606
RE: Traditional Carb Loading vs Shitloading vs ..

Posted by: @entic On that note, what about protein? I'd see an argument for dropping it down to almost nothing in order to restore intramuscular tri...

4 years ago
RE: Traditional Carb Loading vs Shitloading vs ..

if it's allowed on GNC shelves then it's allowed in the shows. I personally don't believe in diuretics for natural competitors because they just don't...

4 years ago
RE: Traditional Carb Loading vs Shitloading vs ..

Posted by: @Lgoosey I have my opinions on the two but that is neither here nor there as I have no experience to put forth aside from trying each in ...

4 years ago
RE: Traditional Carb Loading vs Shitloading vs ..

my take is shitloading is going to work very well for someone on androgens. When you are on androgens you can store much more fluid intracellularly as...

4 years ago
RE: What constitutes an "all natural"

Not sure ben, could be... to be honest i haven't looked at the NPA.-Layne

4 years ago
RE: What constitutes an "all natural"

the longest required drug free length in bodybuilding organizations is the BNBF (the amatuer version of the WNBF in britain) & they have a 10 year...

4 years ago
RE: What constitutes an "all natural"

hard to believe he was able to keep a straight face

4 years ago
RE: What constitutes an "all natural"

one does not have a choice as to what genetic code they are given. One does have a choice whether or not to take X substance

4 years ago
RE: What constitutes an "all natural"

Posted by: @tlow4u BTW Layne, I do have great respect for what you do and the ideals and goals of natural BB. I looked over all the natural pros on ...

4 years ago
RE: What constitutes an "all natural"

Posted by: @RepubCarrier when the natural definition is used, its not the hippie definition you guys are putting out. to me, its always meant it eli...

4 years ago
RE: What constitutes an "all natural"

you ask 100 different people and you'll get 100 different answers. Personally I just say i'm natural b/c it's alot easier than saying "I don't use ste...

4 years ago
RE: Maintaining muscle while injured

Posted by: @Gene Sorry about the injury, but this can give your legs a chance to catch up.I'd propose something that allows you to train legs fully ...

4 years ago
RE: Maintaining muscle while injured

Posted by: @jb1309 Any dieting or training strategies would be helpful...i'm going to be out of commision for a few weeks other than doing leg work....

4 years ago
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