Trusted Member
Joined: Sep 3, 2020
Last seen: Feb 21, 2022
Topics: 3 / Replies: 90
RE: Aggression.

thanks jimmy. It struck me what you said that i'm one of the happiest you've come across & i'm going to go on a tangent for a minute. I think ofte...

4 years ago
RE: Getting Back Into It

Posted by: @Chuck It's been a very long time since I've regularly posted on the messageboards. I've still been lifting on a regular basis- maybe not...

4 years ago
RE: facial.... taning

I typically use a stain the week before the show. The best i've found isbr />as far as what i use to get super dark... i use origional dream tan #2 bu...

4 years ago
RE: layne and others what do you think of this

to be honest with you i've never read one book on bodybuilding other than arnold's encyclopedia of bodybuilding... and that mostly for entertainment. ...

4 years ago
RE: layne and others what do you think of this

Chris's stuff is ok for the basics. He tends to be a bit of a cookie cutter when it comes to diets and he is a bit overzealous on supplements... but p...

4 years ago
RE: OCB Banned substances list

Posted by: @XomicronX do people actually get DQ failing a polygraph - that must be the simplest test to cheat... this is what a lot of people th...

4 years ago
RE: OCB Banned substances list

I figured it was an estrogen reducer of some sort. I've known guys who have taken it and not failed their test, but that doesn't mean some won't fail ...

4 years ago
RE: OCB Banned substances list

sorry forgive my stupidity, but what does ATD stand for?

4 years ago
RE: OCB Banned substances list

Posted by: @Drewkowsky what happens if someone uses a supplement before it is banned?Could you use Superdol or even ATD, because it hasn't been bann...

4 years ago
RE: OCB Banned substances list

Posted by: @Drewkowsky what happens if someone uses a supplement before it is banned?Could you use Superdol or even ATD, because it hasn't been bann...

4 years ago
RE: OCB Banned substances list

well since the FDAs ban against ephedra has at least been temp overuled, ephedra is still allowed as long as you can buy the supplement off the shelve...

4 years ago
RE: OCB Banned substances list

yes, you can. I take adderall and have taken ritalin for years. Basically my doctor wrote a note saying I take a small dose and have never used it for...

4 years ago
Replies: 26
Views: 2367
RE: The purpose of this forum

wow Jen, thanks for the compliments and WOW you look awsome. Was this your first series of contests? If so that is amazing you did so well, and with 4...

4 years ago
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