Last seen: Feb 21, 2022
I take adderall as infrequently as possible. I don't think i've taken it in.. probably 6 months. I don't like relying on stimulants, I only use it whe...
you're splitting hairs... just take it whenever
during caloric deficit-whey protein-creatine-xtend (30g/day)-2g/day taurine-3 sesamin caps per day-6-10 fish oil caps per day-5g CLA/day-1500mg glucos...
it's mildly similar to ephedrine... it is more of an appetite suppressant than anything else and that's what i use it for
Posted by: @lithium Dont mean to put you on the spot or anything but how come your seen doing an incline @ 45degree here? Or is this as low as the b...
I use as low of an incline as the bench allows
1. yes2. yes you take that into account, but also remember that you are refeeding so some days your deficit will be much less.
Posted by: @Par Deus In case no one has put 2 and 2 together, Melissa is our newly sponsored IBF Pro featured in M&M #19 i think they are wa...
um... that's a pretty common last name -Layne "can you hear me all the way back there in the 2nd grade?"
a very good point ras!
i'm not sure... possibly could be because it requires so much action from the gut and sphlanic bed in the small intestine during digestion... causing ...
well when you say "them" i can only assume you are referring to both of THEM. In any case ala is a very worthwhile supp, the jury is still out on CLA
Posted by: @Andrea Should I take them or not then?
almost all of glutamine is converted to alanine in the intestinal wall (glutamine alanine cycle), and the alanine is then sent to the liver via the po...
neurostim is a supplement designed to help increase mental focus and decrease neural fatigue. I like it pretty well, as far as getting it in the UK? n...