Last seen: Dec 12, 2022
Deja Vu
I can't take creatine, it bloats me. From what I've read the cheap stuff is just as good as the expensive stuff. You'll probably get more input from s...
I get my supps fromI use Ultamite Nutritions Whey Supreme. It's low carb, so I can add my carbs or my fats depending on what I need.Outside sales as i...
They are a distributor = lots of different products from lots of different companies. What specifically are you looking at getting?
It looks like they want you to be a resaler not just a consumer. Are you looking to make it a business for youself? If not I would just go with
Never heard of them. Is Powernutra the brand name or just the distributer?
If you are looking to lose fat it will be down to your overall diet not just your pre and pwo food/suppliments...:bump:Pre workout - food - protein &a...
I use 2 scoops of Ultimate Nutritions whey protein with a bananacalories 341protein 43carbs 37fat 2
The cheapest GH I've bought was also the best. I could only handle 3ius a day before I got major sides. I've also bought GH for a much higher price fr...
You were looking at $250 - $300 per kit for top GH. Now your lucky if you can find it & be very sure of your source. Search operation Raw Deal.
I feel that if your getting enough good quality protein than you don't need to add BCAAs. You did not say what shakes you are using & only mention...
What are your opinions on weight gainers?I'm 200 pounds and not looking to put on weight.I get all the proteins and carbs i need.Just wondering if im ...
... or sell it bro and buy some other legit gear.That's not right!
How do I go about telling my supplier his stuff is crap without upsetting him?If we fall out I'll need to find a new gym to train at because he owns t...
not me, but getting stuff from a guy in the gym is retarded bro:)Not necessarily, you can check out his reputation first hand: which I hope you have d...