Last seen: Nov 6, 2022
why can't all the ignorant people just stop talking (not u guys, the guys in the gym who said he is getting PH) What is the best response to someone w...
i want a chinese buffet around me damnit!
I usually have great skin while on, but then later, like younggun mentioned, I get acne...Theres some stuff I got that works AMAZINGLY WELL. Its a set...
so just topical stuff is ok?
keep eating, watching ur diet, and keep training hard...just gotta make sure u stay active...im sure the other guys in here will help u more-squad
Urg 4-6 weeks for any noticable effect....ok, well when this does happen, how fast will i blow up?
so in 2 weeks its possible for it to kick in, a little?
Its going to take 4 weeks on injections to even feel psychologically different? when will i get agressive energetic feeling?Is that how long the ester...
Do you have any idea about how long it will take for the effects to be noticed on 500mg/wk on sus for a guy who is 5'9 155 lbs age 20.Will this not be...
Does it matter if it doesnt kick in right away until four weeks? I wouldnt want to stack my first cycle.Are you saying ill be injecting 2 times a week...
I was reading some similar posts to mine and I saw that most people would do 500mg/wkThis sounds more reasonable for me, but what would the difference...