Eminent Member
Joined: Aug 14, 2019
Last seen: Dec 5, 2021
Topics: 0 / Replies: 40
RE: supplement or other suggestions for wife

vitaminspecialist: that is total nonsense. Read some more before you spout off like some expert. Glucophage? If so that is very similar to banaba ...

4 years ago
RE: supplement or other suggestions for wife

Well fish oil is a good option especially since she is brast feeding your daughter. DHA is extremely important nurological development in the formativ...

4 years ago
RE: sexual enhancers for women

Spook how do you even measure 25-50mg in the first place. Measuring out 200-300mg is a chore if it's own (with a gram scale) and Im not sure if you ar...

4 years ago
RE: sexual enhancers for women

Is this the right one Spook? And you do one dose of 25mg everyother day just in the morning? And she is ready to go even at night? Yes thats the s...

4 years ago
RE: sexual enhancers for women

Yea. It sounds like he is describing the dione.Speaking of which, Spook where are you sourcing this? Nope we use the Diol verision. available from...

4 years ago
RE: sexual enhancers for women

So would it be in bad taste to put 5-ad in a box of chocolates? yes it would. And thats 5-alhpha-AD not 5-AD.

4 years ago
RE: sexual enhancers for women

Spook is that does low enough to avoid androgenic sides with regular use? probobly very individual. 5A-AD is pretty androgenic. However my GF has ...

4 years ago
RE: sexual enhancers for women

I have said it before and I will say it again.Low dose oral 5A-AD (25-50mg max) first thing in the morning. My girlfriends exact words: "This stuff is...

4 years ago
RE: yo hcl

My girlfriend did not fare well with this stuff. Like me it induced anxiety in her. of course she was taking 10mg not 5mg per day. Might I recomend fo...

4 years ago
RE: Direction

first thing's first. i do not believe in cardio, and i do not believe in swiss ball. i believe people do swiss ball to look smart. i dont even know wh...

4 years ago
RE: Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate?/NO 2

Know your facts and dont judge until you research it yourself look at the links i posted or go to the new england journal of medicine one of the most ...

4 years ago
RE: Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate?/NO 2

yeah and your post was moved to the garbage board for a reason The_Shade. Seriously many of us thought it was a good joke until we figured out you wer...

4 years ago
RE: Ab-Solved

No I don't think its strong enough to be comperable.However a stack of nicotine, vitex, and D/L-PA might be just what your looking for.

4 years ago
RE: Ab-Solved

Posted by: @->QUOTEMy question is if E is used in the very lean type wouldn't these people be even more prone to the negative changes in the PVN wh...

4 years ago
RE: Ab-Solved

But aren't lipolysis and increased fat oxidation synonymous? Not so much. They are mildly connected as B1/2-AR activation of sketal muscle does en...

4 years ago
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