Last seen: Dec 5, 2021
you are correct I was thinking of two different examples. I did not mean "there" in that sentance to refer to the malnurished kids.
This is also why, generally speaking, shuffling around fats and carbs has no real impact on things, at least not within an identical calorie intake. A...
thanks lyle that was indeed an interesting read.
Does this mean keep breakfast low in overall CHO or just make sure the GI of your breakfast is low? jsut low in GI. I think carbs should be a larg...
This statement seems to be in opposition to the use of suppliments such as Fl7 and Ab-Solved. Just how low cortisol levels are we talking and would th...
Also, stimulants...I was unclear on this; what is their impact on VAT? stimulants increase VAT.here is a brand spacking new study on it. Stimulant...
SpookInteresting, The opposite of the above is spammed EVERYWHERE ....what about all the stuff concerning insulin spikes after workouts and insulin in...
As far as loosing VAT, it seems that keeping insulin high would supress cortisol and also not effect the lipolysis of VAT either. not necesarily. ...
Hmmm....care to elaborate more on this?For instance, what type of effect would the use of systematic androgens and a local or systematic cortisol-supp...
5.) What exactly causes muscle catabolism during a diet? Is it a direct result of leptin reduction or are other mechanisms at work? Would there be any...
Not disagreeing in the slightest bit but I am confused on how you can to this conclusion? what host of problems from elimating it? The conclusion ...
Also insulin does not effect lipolysis in visceral adipose tissue to any signifigant degree. This is one reason VAT tissue is so bad for you and is as...
i'd like to elaborate on that point. Not all insulin spikes are created equal. 1 gram of carb release insulin... but it's not enough to inhibit all fa...
DRAGONPHARMA.NET has been my one and only source foe all AAS products. I give them a 4.9 out of 5 rating and that's only because no one is perfect, bu...
Posted by: @liorrh OT: yes you can change fiver type and the best example is injury/immobilization. everything becomes type II. its all about input-...