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Joined: Jul 23, 2022
Last seen: Oct 31, 2022
Topics: 3 / Replies: 80
RE: HGH vs Testosterone

That is a good question DW. For one to have the goal such as you one day earn a procard....I can not say really, maybe a pm to buffidggity woul...

2 years ago
RE: HGH vs Testosterone

From what I know and this is just an overview, and no-one else needs to blad their source and details, real HGH is expensive as normal.Real HGH is ind...

2 years ago
RE: HGH vs Testosterone

Avon, this I can share with you. HGH is no miracle drug. It can be used by anyone, but most under the age of 30-35 really do not "need" it. Everyone c...

2 years ago
RE: HGH vs Testosterone

Hey Wedge,Great article........

2 years ago
RE: HGH for shoulder injuries in women?

In my experience with my bad elbow that is nuked, I had great results with HGH. I am not sure of a dosage for a woman, but I do not see where 1 i.u. a...

2 years ago
RE: hello

Welcome to AZ

2 years ago
RE: Howdy ya'll

Welcome to AZ...Glad to have another redneck here...not many of us here. Jump in anywhere anytime. Ask, share, and enjoy, as that is what it is all ab...

2 years ago
RE: Is it a getting older thing?

good luck T-bar.....Damn Doug, I got a yeast from a girl one time several years ago, while at a softball tourney.......motherfucker ouch. My doctor la...

2 years ago
RE: Is it a getting older thing?

T-Bar, I have an idea for ya the will help you out. I know that your hard head will not visit a doctor and have a good physical and no way you will ha...

2 years ago
RE: Is it a getting older thing?

then drink a shit load of cranberry juice for a a quart a day for a few weeks

2 years ago
RE: Is it a getting older thing?

maybe...but see a doctor...seriously

2 years ago
RE: The lady demon is...BACK!!

Zocor.....I take Zocor...shit

2 years ago
RE: Trt

nope....But bump for ya anyway.....

2 years ago
RE: New HGH Program....any input would help

We do make a good tag-team Cardi.....

2 years ago
RE: New HGH Program....any input would help

Bump Cardi......One does not get more sound and proven advice than he offers here. And it's free.......How do ya beat a deal like this, Ya don't!!Majo...

2 years ago
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