Last seen: Oct 31, 2022
That is a good question DW. For one to have the goal such as you do..to one day earn a procard....I can not say really, maybe a pm to buffidggity woul...
From what I know and this is just an overview, and no-one else needs to blad their source and details, real HGH is expensive as normal.Real HGH is ind...
Avon, this I can share with you. HGH is no miracle drug. It can be used by anyone, but most under the age of 30-35 really do not "need" it. Everyone c...
Hey Wedge,Great article........
In my experience with my bad elbow that is nuked, I had great results with HGH. I am not sure of a dosage for a woman, but I do not see where 1 i.u. a...
Welcome to AZ
Welcome to AZ...Glad to have another redneck here...not many of us here. Jump in anywhere anytime. Ask, share, and enjoy, as that is what it is all ab...
good luck T-bar.....Damn Doug, I got a yeast from a girl one time several years ago, while at a softball tourney.......motherfucker ouch. My doctor la...
T-Bar, I have an idea for ya the will help you out. I know that your hard head will not visit a doctor and have a good physical and no way you will ha...
then drink a shit load of cranberry juice for a while.....like a quart a day for a few weeks
maybe...but see a doctor...seriously
Zocor.....I take Zocor...shit
nope....But bump for ya anyway.....
We do make a good tag-team Cardi.....
Bump Cardi......One does not get more sound and proven advice than he offers here. And it's free.......How do ya beat a deal like this, Ya don't!!Majo...