Last seen: Dec 24, 2022
No offense,but that is the dumbest shit Ive ever heard. You want a solution to being the biggest youve ever been? The solution would be stop training ...
oh, and dont forget your hamstrings. Dont you want to have a nice balanced physique? Try to hit every bodypart at least once a week with equal intensi...
What jumps out at me is that you say legs and shoulders SOMETIMES. You should have it be the same every week. Commit to your schedule bro. Im also not...
imerman, good post buddy, Im taking tren right now and loving every minute of it.
Why not just buy both and have variety? They are both a great source of protein, eat up..
I would rethink using the t3 without any test. it can burn off fat as well as muscle. And i think you can get ripped without it. especially if you hit...
wassup presser? I see your board has made some major improvements over the last year. Its a quality place.
dwalt is back in the closet
yep id take it!
Test prop
BUMP this, id also like to know. I havent yet found anyone who has used them
Looks great, but start the deca on week 1 with the test and Dbol. Deca takes a while to kick in. It takes longer than 5 weeks for me. So if ya got eno...
That is abnormal! Ive had the opposite happen on dbol before though. I got strong as hell, but didnt gain more than 5 lbs. I was still happy though. I...
I call it "MASS CYCLE PROTEIN ASS" LOL I get it every damn mass cycle cuz i eat so much which causes a lot of shitting. Its painful, but fuck it, its ...