Last seen: Feb 8, 2023
Posted by: @kimboinatl I've dosed GXR pre-workout before, and noticed that I always I had to use pre/during workout carbs, otherwise I would "bonk"....
Posted by: @trouble Drez, my experience with R-ALA has been that it can induce hypoglycemia if blood sugar isn't managed carefully.More is not bette...
Posted by: @liorrh any thoughts on getting a version without quercitin? this molecule can have some nasty effects if you don't watch it carefully an...
At 9 caps, i imagine (provided you are in calorie deficit, because maintanence/suprlus does not seem to cause this) you'll be in crampsville by day 8-...
I dunno to be honest. I would guess that would help build-up cellular concentrations quicker, but you'd also get the cramping much quicker that way.If...
Negligble.It will increase your metabolism enough to metabolize its own calories and then some.
Posted by: @vain68 Any idea on Kcal content from maltodextrin? Negligble. Its a consistuent of the capsule make-up.
The only person i've heard of who had negatively impacted sleep, was Derek ("Beast").He felt it made him insomniac, but he'snot reported such effects ...
Done. Ta.
Altered.There is a link to the PDF in the second answer. You think it's worth having a second link at the top?
Once she's down to 25%ish she's gonna have to sort her calories out or else she's gonna mess up her endocrine system a bit in the short run and get no...