Last seen: Feb 8, 2023
Saying that its ok for 2 weeks or the month but not the other two would get complicated fast. We just put a general warning on for them to use condoms...
That doesn't change a thing for me lol.
So what is he licking?
There were two joint winners - one was an oriental martial arts fighter who weighed about 170 and the other a bencher who weighed 250. Both got 46 rep...
The bench contest was cool too. It was great watching the camaraderie. Everyone wanted to beat everyone else, but at the same time cheered the crap ou...
That looks about right. Although i'm no chemist.
Russ, you should be keeping a weekly log of your usage. I know a lot of people are intrigue by the potential there.
Posted by: @Josh wrt diuretic - asparagus?J I've never heard of asparagus' duiretic qualities. Is there a particular lignan or extract that exer...
Posted by: @vain68 What is the physiological mechanism behind MP causing the water retention? We don't know for certain, but given that potassiu...
Never heard of it. Any good info anywhere?
Posted by: @chrisa Yeah that's the same for me. I am using MP and LipidFX together and i am suffering with some water retention. I have been using a...
If you find any duiretics that work do tell. Caffiene doesn't, and no one's given me good feedback for dandilion yet.
I asked for some replacement samples to be sent out to you, then forgot to double-check.I'll find out now.
2 caps taken together, over five consecutive days if possible.