Last seen: Feb 8, 2023
Testosterone.to has always delivered on time and made sure everything was great.Never once has testosterone.to let me down, they have great means of c...
Yeah, thanks again Shawn. You proved invaluable.Anyone who wants to know their groups can email me.
Jeff, i recall some reports of skin improvements quite quickly.I am too sporadic in my use of it that i can't attest to this (plus, rebound reloaded i...
I wouldn't (and didn't). And i don't recall anyone else doing so.The EPA/DHA in fish oil exert beneficial effects in ways that do not involve the PPAR...
Yup, i heard about some getting the hershey's from forskolin.
Great feedback.I've not used forskolin myself, but the two attributes i notice from activate almost immediately is improved sleep and the increase in ...
Posted by: @ShuffleUp I believe endomorph = gains fat&mass easily / loses fat slowly, in which case yes. Thought so. The rise in body temp ...
Your body type is pushing towards the endomorph, right?
I dunno enough aout forskolin to really advise, but i don't think i recall anyone using act/forsk in the past (they may have, i just have a crappy mem...
Could be a bunch of reasons and i think it is user-dependant, because i have not had an issue with appetite on either or both.If you're planning to cu...
Posted by: @Tkarrde Hehe.There is nothing wrong with homosexuality dear Robboe.That said, I did find the acronym change amusing And i your sex ...
It shipped to all stores yesterday.
Posted by: @Jinx Me It doesn't actually say fag, it says faq - I actually pointed this out but Rob has explained that he couldn't use all-cap words ...
Posted by: @Tkarrde I just noticed that the title of this thread is "Rebound Reloaded FAG"Lol, I knew Robboe had latent homosexual issues, but this ...