Last seen: Nov 17, 2022
I agree with you, FlexinNC (and I think QOD would to). QOD is up to 600 mgs. of test per week so a mild dose of Anavar most likely wouldn't do much in...
The mind is a powerful tool, but the gains were too significant to be completely attributed to a placebo effect. She did a mild dose in my opinion...t...
At least you're not setting your goals too lofty. haha Even if you undershot the Ms. O goal just a little you'd still have made quite the accomplishme...
Of course our points can be discussed forever. It's good to see that while you're opinionated you're also open to hear others viewpoints. It's funny t...
When it was all over and done with and only using Anavar she retained about 5 to 7 lbs. of muscle. That is very significant...especially for a woman. ...
ya know based on your looks and my sex drive I truly believe we are compatible. Have I found a soulmate????? call me!!! lol ;):tongue:
[QUOTE=I have seen first hand a woman using only Anavar gain muscle (significantly) and also increase in muscle hardness. And also to answer Avon's qu...
[QUOTE=var will not increase muscle mass on a women (to any noticable effect) your strength will go up, but as far as putting on any mass, it just doe...
I love anavar. I get really jacked when I add it to a cycle.test is what jacks me up. i always front-load my test cycles with prop to get it in my sys...
var never increased/decrease my sex drive what so ever. it DID heighten my metabolism and give me an extra boost while contest dieting.IMO, the only t...