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Joined: Apr 11, 2022
Last seen: Nov 17, 2022
Topics: 21 / Replies: 154
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Views: 408
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Views: 1142
RE: PCT or not

all you need to do is taper off your cycle, depending on length of cycle, usually 2 weeks will do it.you mention in another thread about anavar. you c...

2 years ago
RE: PCT or not

Yes, homeostasis is the key and that is why when you add in hormones your body stops producing its own. Again...as Buff stated earlier, even miminal a...

2 years ago
RE: PCT or not

tapering works, peroid. it's the only way i will come off a cycle. and many other women (and men) i know follow the same program (the men usually add ...

2 years ago
RE: PCT or not

if youve been tapering, that's enough, your hormone levels should be pretty much level now. what was your dose and at what doses did you taper?women d...

2 years ago
2 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 1256
RE: Tren Enanthate

here's a good write up on tren, it speaks about the fina being converted into tren acetate though. i have utilized both tren acetate and tren enanthat...

2 years ago
RE: how many

Not sure which specificly, I hope QoD will help me on that one.I currently weigh 254Lbs.im here for you babes:)i currently hold the title of Ms.B.C. w...

2 years ago
RE: Researchers Discover How Insulin Allows Entry of Glucose Into Cells

You wanted us to read that twice didn't you.Is there a test on this one too!yes there is, so you better bring an apple;)

2 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 1136
RE: How much EQ

Thanks Queenie! I would rather play it safe than sorry with her. Lord knows I have taken bad advice in my younger days! What are some of the sides you...

2 years ago
RE: How much EQ

always better to be safe than sorry.....run her @ 25mgs X 2 a week for 4 weeks and see how she reacts, i would go up to 50 X 2 if there aren't any pro...

2 years ago
2 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 369
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