Last seen: Dec 24, 2022
I would have been licking the floor. lol
Why do you just need clomid? If your on or getting off a cycle why don't you just get it from where you got your other shit from?
DR.Bacardi! Man your up on your notes way to go bro! I think that we should give you a DR.Degree from the Freak-Zone! Realy , no bullshit! You need to...
Your never too old to learn something new!:cool:
You got me all wrong! I sure as hell don't think your easy.What I ment was I read some of your posts and what I ment by you reading your posts before ...
I don't undestand your posts, Your upset that xxxxx s sending you Pervereted email...............Have you realy looked at your post before you send th...
Thanks bro I was wondering If I should split the dose. I'll have a longer cycle that will make up for any fuck-ups. cool, Thanks!:D
You got me mixed up now. My spring cycle is comming up and I planed on taking 500sust & 2ml of Deca in the same dart. You told that Bro to split t...
you gotten this far you can find them on your own!!!
I thought thats what they were talking about. I take one for 2hours everyday.
What the fuck is a "Nap"????
Not tring to flame you man but what do you think? Were not doing your home work for you! You got a computer look it up!
Thank you!!:D
This is the best fucking site around!!