Last seen: Feb 8, 2022
Posted by: @Tkarrde Sounds good Par.So, if I maintain weight of 168 at about 2800-3000cals currently, I'd simply eat around 2400cals on 'dieting day...
I would say 15% below maintenence would probably keep bodyfat steady. It is a good starting point, at least -- just adjust up or down from there, base...
Posted by: @Par Deus Six hours -- every day.8-12 hours, every other day, and you will probably drop some bf over time. This is assuming you are ...
Posted by: @Tkarrde Par Deus,I appreciate the reply. One last question: how often should/could one at 7-10%bf refeed for 6-10hrs without seeing appr...
If you have been dieting, you basically could not eat enough carbs over a 6-8 hour period to cause anything more than negligible de novo lipogenesis.
It will also depend on the macronutrient. Fat will be stored much more readily than carbohydrates or protein.
I made a chrysin topical in DMSO for several people, which worked quite well at lowering estrogen. Had blood tests to back it up. However, chrysin als...
I should add that I did not mean to sound alarmist at all in my rebound post -- basically, if you stop cold turkey, just know that a rebound is possib...
The body constantly tries to remain homeostatic, so if estrogen is not binding to the receptor, for whatever reason, something is going to upregulate ...