Last seen: Feb 8, 2022
Posted by: @zaneblue I generally have at least a couple dozen vaginal orgasms a day, and the desire to have a couple dozen vaginal orgasms a day. ...
Aside from the fact that very few people deliver a decent amount of Testosterone orally, so an oral only cycle generally misses out on the king androg...
Sometimes, i will get a real meal, where there is an option with a meat (though, the other is just usually pasta and sauce), but for many, they just h...
I thought the main thing in granola was oats.The macro breakdown on her bar is not bad -- certainly not like the 30 carb, 3 fat, 3 protein granolas th...
Just answering your Mass/Rebirth question from the other thread....At your bodyfat, leptin will be high enough, so you do not need Mass or Basic just ...
Intranasal is very, very interesting to me in this regard -- it would be more likely to masculinize the brain (which might not be such a bad thing) th...
She is a greay are situation.LipoDerm Ultra will almost certainly be effective.Ab-Solved has the potential to be even more effective, and it costs les...
I answered 1 and 2 in the other place you asked it, in case you have not yet seen that.As far as # three, first of all, you are paying her, not vice-v...
In case no one has put 2 and 2 together, Melissa is our newly sponsored IBF Pro featured in M&M #19
I have used a few different sources since I've been in the sport but let me say that British-Dragon.org is hands down the best source out there. He ha...
Posted by: @Jodi Thanks Par!Do you think its possible that either Absolved and or LipoY have caused the slight size increase in my liver? The li...
I would not expect it to reduce prolactin below normal physiological levels -- the fed state is consistently associated with proper HPTA functioning, ...
I think LeptiGen will be more useful, for prolactin, as it will increase dopamine signalling, which seems to be the best thing there is for suppressin...
Posted by: @Labrat Howeever, I will mention that the ab visceral fat becomes an issue for post-menopausal women, too. And contributes to the increas...
We discussed these studies quite a bit 3-4 years ago.Those studies just measured girth, not fat loss. The ones that showed girth loss are diuretics. Y...