Last seen: Sep 24, 2022
I would have to say....Primobolan depot!!!!
Psycological effects depend on you, but i believe that you would definately feel the roid rages when it kicks in. I believe it will take two weeks for...
Everybody will tell you in about 4-5 weeks, then you blow up. Goodluck
I decided on test 400mg/deca 300mg. Might as well get the most of my first cycle. ;)
Jackedupcrazy, you got me all hyped up. I think I'm gonna start my cycle right now!! Got my syringes in from!!!
Right now I weigh 183-185lbs, 5'10 and 20 years old. Been working out since I was like 15. I got 15% body fat at this moment but it should lower by no...
This is my first cycle so I don't want to over do it. But its interesting that wham I suddenly get bigger and become a monster at the fitfth week, lol...
I do have 200 d/bol tabs. Should I throw in a few for 6 weeks tapering between 15-30mg ed? thanx
What I meant was that i wasn't in a hurry to start the cycle but once I do its kind of sad to have to wait 4-5 weeks to see any changes. But I will st...
You guys are right, but i'm not any kind of hurry. The only reason I decided to change plans was because it takes like 4-5 weeks to see any results wi...
aren't bubbles bad?
How much blood would go in if i don't hit a vein?