Last seen: Dec 11, 2022
i've used IM injects of Phosphatidylcholine with great success. nice systemic fatloss as well as the best lipid profile i'd ever had.is it OTC?
I would just walk in and ask about lipotropic injections. If they are unsure, ask about a choline, inositol, and methionine mix. If they still don't k...
If you really want the injectable, you will probably just need to get it ordered from the pharmacy. Are you trying to spot inject?ya just in da ass......
You really do not need to go to the pharmacy. You can go to any supplement store. All you need is choline, inositol (This may be expensive because som...
We talked about this stuff in one of my a&p classes. I don't see any reason why you couldn't buy it as an otc. There is nothing illegal about it. ...
I'm on Gh and been on for over a year, great fat burner, but this is for my wifey, she was also on gh for about 6-7 months but we decided to take her ...
this is what I found outLipotropics is a fancy word for three amino acids that are essential for the health of your liver. Anyone know what three amin...
I found out what they are, but now I need to know if I can walk into the pharm to get them. anyone know?
thers lots of brands of GH heres someyellow tops(Elitropin)brown topsblue topskefi (blue tops)syntromhygetropin jintropinsomatropinGenotropinHumatrope...
creatinebcaaglutephedrineanimal pakisolate protienwhey protiennanox9claefamilk thristlecranbery extractliv52gas stop
the yellows always been painfull for me
5 mg is not crazy at all, that's the same dose they use to treat prostate problems so all in all it would probably help prevent prostate problems whil...
thats great to heard bro, I started proscar about 2 weeks ago at 1 tab a day, prescribed from the doc, cant wait to see results