Last seen: Nov 7, 2022
Posted by: @uhockey Aye. And all things considering, no offense, but I wonder how much of the Q stuff is anecdotal/placebo. The more I look at logs,...
any thoughts on getting a version without quercitin? this molecule can have some nasty effects if you don't watch it carefully and for me the COMT and...
I had the same problems myself last cycle, arginine didn't help bu sesathin at megadoses did.I purchassed some supplemets to try for the next one to b...
Posted by: @Spook You need to be careful with your language. If you actually mean fiber type switch you are wrong if you mean myosin change you are ...
OT: yes you can change fiver type and the best example is injury/immobilization. everything becomes type II. its all about input-> input determines...
I love GH, there is most def. a well being effect felt from day one. results? now sure what are you looking for but you'll love it.
dude. why do you bother asking us for advice and then posting some rehashed adivce docs give to everybody? kinda insulting. tell me not to open my boo...
can you do the following test:put both hands in front, than support one elbow with other hand so supported arm's shoulder is relaxed, bend supported e...
do the shoulder impingement tests in the MnM wikiHwy where the fuck did the wiki go?I'm pissed now.anyway sounds like a slap lesion. do you trouble do...
any references to all that jazz? no offence but it does sound stupid to me and not because of some paradygm
seriously your boy needs some discipline and focus in his life."under a good deal of stress due to the nature of the work"is this a fucking joke?what ...
Posted by: @trouble Don't close the door on this thread yet. We got loose ends to deal with.I'm reading along in this long winded thead....blah blah...
that link you gave me referenced the above research, Injury. 1975 May;6(4):313-6. The quantitative evaluation of the use of oral proteolytic enzymes i...
nice PDF'syes, L-NAME is commonly used for that. I didnt find any source for L-NAME myself, so maybe we'll join forces. the only thing I found was cur...
Injury. 1975 May;6(4):313-6. Related Articles, Links The quantitative evaluation of the use of oral proteolytic enzymes in the treatment of sprained ...