Last seen: Nov 4, 2022
As always couldn't be happier with and his service this is my only go to source anymore for my gear needsNever have a problem with bu...
This is also why, generally speaking, shuffling around fats and carbs has no real impact on things, at least not within an identical calorie intake. A...
Insulin itself does not have a major impact on cortisol. SpookInteresting, The opposite of the above is spammed EVERYWHERE ....what about all the ...
s far as VAT goes yes you could lose it while over eating carbs and protein. VAT is controlled by androgens and cortisol for the most part. If you wer...
So you see insulins effects on lipolysis is sometimes desirable as eliminating it causes a host of problems. Not disagreeing in the slightest bit ...
It does not appreciably interfere with fat burning, even though it does cause some insulin response. VC: I have my doubts about this. Any studies/...
Holla L-train.
Toss up some of your favorite songs with the band name L-train.Always looking for new hard music.Appreciated.
I have my opinions on the two but that is neither here nor there as I have no experience to put forth aside from trying each in non-contest environmen...
Thank you Pro. Some people need to be bitchslapped.If you use things that your mom would kick your ass for, then your not natural.One question:Are the...