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Joined: Aug 19, 2019
Last seen: Oct 31, 2021
Topics: 0 / Replies: 5
RE: Dragontropin

After 4 weeks I would've thought you'd already be noticing some decent results. As far as muscle gains go, if you haven't seen anything in 4 weeks you...

3 years ago
RE: Ab-Solved

Thanks Spook, I look forward to hearing all about your new fat-burning product. Do you think it's possible Vitex might serve as a poor man's Bromo?

4 years ago
RE: Ab-Solved

[QUOTE]Now in the very lean exercise trained type you have a different set of problems. These folks like you and me have no problem oxidizing fat. How...

4 years ago

I have used Kalpa for over a yr now ,everything i ordered has been legit g2goLast order of tren enth and test did not let me down either gained 5 poun...

4 years ago
RE: Mucuna Pruriens (Velvet Bean)

He took a bit of an overdose and said he felt sort of psychotic for a week.Couldn't even leave his apartment for 3 days. I was taking a standard 1/2 t...

6 years ago